Which of Your Chakras Is Currently Blocked?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Which of Your Chakras Is Currently Blocked?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

In a healthy and natural state, energy flows through the body freely from the root chakra to the crown. Over time, and due to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues, this energy can get stuck or blocked. It is when this energy becomes trapped in areas of the body that symptoms begin to manifest. The good news is that you have discovered this quiz, which was designed to isolate the chakra that needs your attention and give you a few tools to get the energy flowing through that chakra once again.

For example, if you have a blocked root chakra, you may very well be experiencing pain or stiffness in your lower back or at the base of your spine. In this case, the energy in your system is stuck at a very fundamental level. You likely find yourself struggling with the core needs of food, shelter, and safety, and no other self-improvement work can take place until you have addressed these fundamental issues. While you may experience symptoms in the upper chakras, we must first take care of the underlying issues before moving on to take care of blockages that may have occurred higher up in the system.

The good news is that the human body is designed to naturally move towards health, healing and wholeness. By simply identifying the problem, your mind and body can begin the work of moving towards a flowing state once again. It's time to move in a new and wonderful direction. Let the healing begin.

How would you describe your current financial situation?
It is a total struggle for me right now.
I'm getting by okay.
I put away a little into savings each month.
I am very comfortable financially.
Are you experiencing any lower back pain?
No, my body feels great all over.
It's been a while since I had a problem with my lower back.
It's a little sore, but it's not too bad.
My lower back is killing me right now.
How healthy is your diet?
I tend to eat a lot of comfort food when I'm feeling upset.
I cheat once in a while, but it's pretty healthy most of the time.
Honestly, I'm just happy if I can feed myself from day to day.
I eat a very healthy diet.


In general, do you feel safe in your life?
Not right now. I've got some dangerous stuff going on around me.
It's rare for me to have any doubts regarding my safety in my life.
I feel very safe and sound at this moment.
My relationships can get a little crazy, but I do feel pretty safe in general.
How many people are in your support network?
I have about a handful of people that I can go to when I need support.
I have a few people that I trust at my darkest moments.
I have a huge network of friends who would do anything for me, and I for them.
I really don't have anyone that I can rely on to be there for me.
How would you describe your love life?
My love life is very fulfilling and beautiful.
What love life?
It has moments of brilliance, for sure.
It is pretty much a nightmare.


Which best describes your current living situation?
I'm very uncomfortable with where I currently live.
It's not ideal, but it meets the basic requirements.
I'm working on making it my home.
I am living in a special place that I adore.
Are you currently in an intimate relationship?
No, and that is the case by choice.
Yes, and things are going very well.
The one I'm in is falling apart.
No, and I'm not sure I could handle it right now anyways.
Has your heart been broken recently?
I've been hurt so badly that it's hard to imagine loving that way again.
It wasn't that long ago, but I'm learning to embrace heartache as part of life.
My life is basically one heartbreak after another, and it's not always about love.
Life breaks your heart, but it can lead to such amazing growth and experiences.


How long does it take to let your guard down around new people?
I don't. People are not trustworthy.
It might take me a while to feel comfortable enough to really speak my mind.
I let my guard down pretty quickly. I do believe that people are basically good.
It takes a while. I've been hurt before.
Do you generally trust your head, your heart, or your gut more?
My heart.
My gut.
My head.
I don't trust any of the above.
Do you have any issues with poor circulation?
I have very good circulation throughout my body.
That's one issue I have, but it would only be the tip of the iceberg.
I used to have that problem, but it's improving.
I have been told that I have poor circulation before.


Which holiday is the most challenging for you?
Valentine's Day.
New Year's Eve.
If you're not still together, how did your last relationship end?
It ended amicably. We are still friends.
We are still together.
It was a horrible ending. I still feel awful about it all.
It didn't go well, but it's been so long that I've kind of forgot the pain of it.
When you're feeling under the weather, where do you first notice the symptoms?
In my energy level.
I get a tickle in the back of my throat.
I start getting achy and sore.
My thinking becomes unclear.


How common is it for you to regret not saying what you really wanted to?
No, I usually say too much.
It's pretty common for me to feel like I should have said something afterwards.
I've gotten a lot better at sharing how I feel with people in a way that doesn't involve judgement.
I tend to speak my mind when I'm upset.
When was the last time you engaged in an activity that you didn't really want to just to keep everyone happy?
I did that in the last few days. I'm getting tired of it.
I can recall at least one such event in the past month.
It's been a very long time since I did something like that.
I did that today, but I felt like I had to for my own safety.
Do you sing in the shower?
I sing in the shower all the time.
I may have done that at some point in my life. It's hard to remember it now.
It's been forever since I did that.
That only happens when I'm in love.


Does it ever feel like you've got something stuck in your throat?
Not that I've noticed, but I've got a lot of stuff to deal with right now.
Only when I feel incredibly sad.
I feel that way all the time. It drives me crazy.
I don't really relate to that.
Is it common for people to misunderstand what you are trying to say?
No, I think I communicate pretty clearly.
Yes, and it is so irritating.
I find that tends to happen in the middle of an argument with my significant other.
I suppose it would be, but no one seems to care about what I have to say.
How regularly do you use throat lozenges?
I only use them when I feel sick and have a sore throat.
I really should have stock in those companies. I use them all the time.
I can't afford something like that, especially not on a regular basis.
It's pretty rare for me to feel the need to use them.


Would you consider yourself to be a shy person?
I guess I can be shy at times.
I am painfully shy.
Not at all. I'm very comfortable with other people.
I'm generally pretty outgoing, if I'm not feeling heartbroken.
Do you see that we're all one, or does that seem like spiritual mumbo jumbo?
Yeah, I guess. It's just that I don't understand how people can be so cruel.
It kinda seems like crap to me, but I'm pretty depressed right now.
I suppose I understand that as a concept, but I don't really feel it yet.
That's a total lie.
Would you say that you trust your intuition?
I usually do, but I've been struggling with that lately.
I don't even know what my intuition is, to be honest.
I usually listen to my instincts, but I have trouble taking action sometimes.
I probably trust my gut more than anything else.


Are migraines an issue for you?
It's one of many issues I have.
I only get a headache after I've been crying a lot.
That's not usually much of an issue for me.
That is probably the biggest health issue I have.
Does it feel like you are on your true path in life?
I usually feel like I'm on my path, but I've been feeling a little lost lately.
I feel like I'm heading in the right direction, but I'm not quite on the path yet.
I definitely have the sense that I'm missing something.
Nope, I must be way off.
How well do you sleep at night?
I fall asleep fairly easily, but I've been having nightmares lately.
I don't really have any issues with sleep right now.
I'm usually so exhausted that I just pass out.
I've been tossing and turning more than usual lately.


Of the following, which incense is most appealing to you?
Nag Champa.
Do you practice yoga?
I have a regular practice, but I've been neglecting it lately.
I don't do it as much as I should.
I have a daily yoga practice.
I never have.
Do you practice meditation?
I meditate for a certain amount of time each day.
I've never tried it.
I don't meditate as much as would be ideal for me.
I'm just getting started with meditation.


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