Which Chew Toy Is Right for Your Dog?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Chew Toy Is Right for Your Dog?
Image: spxChrome/E+/GettyImages

About This Quiz

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and that's truly the history of the chew toy. If you've observed wolves just having fun or wild dogs in their natural habitat, these creatures like to chew. Sometimes it'll be sticks, sometimes bones, sometimes the hapless carcass of their prey. Our domesticated friends never lost that instinct. Dogs need to chew; it's just what they do. And they'll chew on your furniture and your pillows and your shoes if they don't have the right outlet. Enter the chew toy!

From humble beginnings with sticks and ropes and rawhide to the remarkably advanced and quirky squeaky toys you can find at pet stores today, there's a massive industry of these things. Dogs need to work out that nervous energy, to alleviate stress and anxiety and to just do something, because they're not able to run free through the woods like their ancestors used to. They get that urge, and they need to work it out. If you want to save yourself the aggravation of the dog chewing on things you want to keep, you need to choose the chew for you. But which one will it be? Take the quiz and find out!

Which Terrier Breed Are You? 2 "Porthos"
Moaan / Moment / Getty Images
Are you the kind of person who'd rather cozy up with a cuddly, lazy lap dog or go running with a working dog?
Depends on the day.
I want to go for a good run.
I like to take it easy.
I'm happy to watch TV and share snacks with my dog.
Can We Guess Your Favorite Dog Breed?
Is "work hard, play harder" a philosophy you can get behind?
Heck yeah!
Most of the time, yeah.
I tend to work harder than I play, but it sounds nice.
I'd rather just play.
Respond to These Situations and We’ll Guess Which Dog Breed You Are 1
Some dogs love socializing at the dog park. Does your dog?
They love a crowd.
They prefer to stick with me.
How about just one dog friend?
They have to be in the right mood.


Guide dog
Don Farrall/Photodisc/GettyImages
Some dogs are working dogs and just love to get things done. How's your work ethic?
I like to think I'm a hard worker.
I'm always on the go.
I work because I need to.
I'm watching the clock until quitting time every day.
St. Bernard
"Big dog" is a synonym for someone important. Are you a big dog?
Heck yeah!
I'm not a dog.
I'm more of a medium dog.
More of a little fish.
Bergamasco Shepherd
Agency Animal Picture/Stockbyte/GettyImages
Most people hate dogs getting hair on the furniture. Does your dog shed a lot?
Yeah, my dog does.
So much, I've given up on the dog hair.
Only if I don't bring them to the groomers.


puppy 28
Emma Drabble / Moment / Getty Images
They say you should let sleeping dogs lie. But do you ever want to cuddle puppies forever?
Nah, I'd leave the puppy to sleep.
Don't wake the beast!
Yes, I'm crying!
Nah, who needs to?
Rate These Dogs and We’ll Guess Which Dog Breed You Match With 2
Buchsammy / Moment Open / Getty Images
Is your bark worse than your bite?
I try to keep them on the same level.
I'd say so.
I don't do much of either.
Dog owner going for walk
Tara Moore/DigitalVision/Getty Images
They say there are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Do you believe that?
Some people are good, some people are bad.
I think people are mostly good.
I think we start as a blank slate.
I have no idea.


Dog party
Severin Schweiger/Cultura/GettyImages
Dogs seem to love surprises. How about you?
Once in a while, sure.
Well, fun ones.
I'd rather not have any surprises in life.
Dog fight
Harvey Anderson/Moment/GettyImages
If someone gets all up in your face, will you run off with your tail between your legs or bite back?
I'll fight back.
I try to talk my way out of things.
Depends on the situation ...
I try to avoid all conflict.
Dog poker
When you're met with a risky choice are you the kind of person who's willing to gamble on the outcome?
I do love a gamble.
I'm more into a sure thing.
It'd have to be worth it.
No gambling for me!


Sleeping with Dog
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Some dogs get all twitchy and noisy in their sleep. Do you often have nightmares?
I don't remember my dreams.
Once in a while, sure.
Oh yeah.
Dog cake
Do you watch what you eat for the sake of your health or do you just consume whatever you feel like?
I try to eat right but yeah, it doesn't always work.
I always watch what I eat.
I eat reasonably, I think.
I eat everything!
Stand out dog
Igor Emmerich/Cultura/GettyImages
When you enter a room, do you want everyone to notice you right away?
I'd like to be acknowledged at least.
Heck yeah!
No, I don't need that attention.


Which Terrier Breed Are You? 1
Back in the Pack dog portraits / Moment / Getty Images
One of the reasons people love dogs is that they offer unconditional love. Do you believe that there can be unconditional love between people?
Of course!
Not that I have seen.
If you're lucky.
I hope so!
Dog Best Friend
Sally Anscombe/Moment/Getty Images
Dogs make new friends all the time. How about you?
I click with some people and not others.
I sure do!
It takes me a while to warm up to people.
I'm not good at making friends.
Dog Speak
PM Images/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Do you speak up when you have a good idea or do you hold off out of embarrassment and anxiety?
It could go either way.
I always speak my mind.
Depends on the idea and who I'm sharing it with.
I usually keep my thoughts to myself.


Dog Eating
Terry Vine/DigitalVision/GettyImages
Are you a giving kind of person?
Of course!
Not really
I do what I can.
Snarl dog
Michelle Kelley Photography
Do you have any issues with your temper?
I get angry sometimes but I can control it.
It pops up now and then.
You have to really push me.
I don't even have a temper.
Playing dog
Are you the jealous type?
Only if someone gives me a reason to be.
Yes, I am.
Nah, I'm cool.
Maybe a little.


Dog grad
Have you accomplished any of your major goals in life?
Not yet, but I'm working on it.
A few
I don't have any big goals, really.
Dog smile
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Moment/GettyImages
Do you feel like you have a good sense of humor?
I can get a little goofy sometimes.
It's pretty good.
I have a great sense of humor!
What Dog Breed Will You Be Reincarnated As? What Dog Breed Will You Be Reincarnated As? 1 What Dog Breed Will You Be Reincarnated As?
Pets are pretty good at alleviating stress. How else do you handle stress?
I like snacks!
I get outside.
A good nap never hurt anyone.
I don't really feel stress.


Sad dog
Elva Etienne/Moment/GettyImages
No one likes being rejected. How do you deal with it?
Shrug it off and try not to get too bitter.
I just bounce back pretty quickly.
I might drown my sorrows a bit.
I get pretty down about it.
Curious dog
Are you able to resist a mystery or do you need to solve it?
I love a good mystery!
I'm not super invested in mysteries unless they're super interesting.
It depends on my mood in the moment.
I don't much care about mysteries.
What Dog Breed Guards Your Heart
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía / Moment / Getty Images
What dominates your decision-making process more, your heart or your mind?
I'm all heart.
I always follow my head.
It depends on the decision.
I go with my gut.


Dog tail
Mike Watson Images/moodboard/GettyImages
Dogs sometimes chase their own tails. How much time do you give to a task before you're willing to give up?
I'll keep at it probably longer than I should.
I never give up.
I'll try until I know I either can or can't succeed.
I have a bad habit of quitting.
2 dog eating off table
Chris Amaral / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When it comes to eating, are you willing to try something totally new and weird?
Of course!
No thanks.
Well, nothing too weird.
Food is food, I'm in!
Dog hug
Sally Anscombe/Moment/Getty Images
Traditionally, a dog is man's best friend. How tight are you with your best friend?
We're close but I'm not dying for them or anything.
We're like family.
I'd do anything for my best friend.
I'm not even sure who I'd call my best friend.


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