Which Character Are You on “The Inbetweeners?”

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Which Character Are You on “The Inbetweeners?”
Image: E4

About This Quiz

Art, even popular art like television programming, is a mirror we hold up to ourselves. In its distortions and exaggerations, we see ourselves from a new perspective, allowing introspection by proxy, seeing ourselves in a story, and examining ourselves in the context of our actions in that story. The nature of sitcom is that each character should be so distinct from the others that upon reading a line of dialog, any audience member should be able to say which character would have read that line. The more a show accomplishes this feat, the more we feel we "are" one of the cast.

Ever since "The Inbetweeners" hit the airwaves in 2008, we have suffered with the titular group, seen them grow, and regress, and suffer, and grow again. "The Inbetweeners" is distinct among sitcoms in that its characters are both incredibly different from each other, and recognizable as people we might know. Their struggles may seem absurd, their mistakes may be epic, but they all feel very real and call to mind similar stories we have about times with our friends. The relatability of the characters, protagonists, and otherwise, is one of the reasons the show went on to make several feature films after being canceled. Which character are you?

Inbetweeners 1
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
What frivolous nonsense did you deeply care about as a teenager?
Looking like I knew everything
Listening to the cool music
Fitting in
Being tough
Inbetweeners 2
sturti / E+ / Getty Images
In a room full of strangers, who would you approach first to strike up a conversation?
The hottest bird in the room, every time. And her friend.
An adult, because I'm not a child
An adult, because I am an adult
Some dork who I can push around
Inbetweeners 3
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
What do you think motivates your behavior with regard to your social role?
Those are a lot of words I don't understand.
My training. I am an adult in a job. That's all.
Well, there is my parent's separation, but then is that really my biggest motivator, or is it more to do with changing schools? Who's to say? Kierkegaard would say ...
I dunno. Stuff, innit?


Inbetweeners 4
Alys Tomlinson / Cultura / Getty Images
How likely are students to look to you for guidance on what they should or should not do, outside of their academic pursuits?
Oh, everyone comes to me when they want to know where the cool people go and what they do, and who they are ... yeah.
Completely unlikely, unless they are in detention.
They wouldn't do that unless Hell froze over. Has Hell frozen over?
They better do it if they don't want their teeth knocked out.
Inbetweeners 5
Justin Lambert / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How wide of a net do you cast when looking for a significant other?
Oh, I've already got this bird hooked and reeled in. She's in ... Argentina.
I just look at the eligible members of the opposite sex in my peer group.
I grasp for the nearest person who shows the slightest interest in me.
I just find someone I like the look of, and then turn the relationship into a kind of a territorial contest.
Inbetweeners 6
paul mansfield photography / Moment / Getty Images
What is the primary virtue of your best friend?
They are loyal.
They keep a respectful distance.
They keep my secrets.
No hard feelings


Inbetweeners 7
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
What word would you use to describe the time in your life when you met the majority of your closest friends?
Inbetweeners 8
Clarissa Leahy / Cultura / Getty Images
What do you and your best friend do when you're just hanging out?
We watch TV.
That's none of your business!
Well, I'd say something cool like "clubbing," but that would be a lie.
We play a bit of footy.
Inbetweeners 9
Caiaimage / Sam Edwards / OJO+ / Getty Images
When you were last at school, what feeling did you inspire in others when you entered the room?
Envy. No, not really ...
Depression, I hope.
Indifference. Really.
Utter terror. Yeah.


Inbetweeners 10
Compassionate Eye Foundation / Justin Pumfrey / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you embrace your social status?
I lead the losers, so they can learn to be cool from the master.
I rule with an iron fist.
Embrace it? I run from it!
I make sure no one is under any illusions about who is running things.
Inbetweeners 11
Matteo Colombo / DigitalVision / Getty Images
In your view, what is the most exciting place in the world?
New Orleans. Ask anyone who has been there, like me.
My bathroom, but not in a good way
School, but not in a good way
London. Yeah.
Inbetweeners 12
SDI Productions / E+ / Getty Images
Over what would you be willing to ditch your best friends?
Nothing. I'm with my brothers.
What kind of nonsensical question is that?
A beautiful woman, in a heartbeat
I don't know. I've never thought about it.


Inbetweeners 13
Ben Pipe Photography / Cultura / Getty Images
How much of your time do you spend fretting about what others will think of you?
None ... who told you that?
None. That's idiotic.
All of my time. I even worry in my sleep.
You'll know because I'll be making fists.
Inbetweeners 14
Alys Tomlinson / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you feel like you're on the road to becoming the person you hope to be?
Yeah, although the person I was, er ... am, is already amazing.
What sort of nonsense is that? Pass.
I hope so. If I have to stay this person you see before you, I'll be miserable.
Yeah, sure. Life's amazing.
Inbetweeners 15
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
How studious were you, as a pupil?
Not very. Grades are for losers.
Not all that well, obviously. Do you think I'd have my job if I was a halfway decent pupil?
Very. Rather the reason I was also an outcast.
I wasn't, but the dork who did my homework for me was good enough.


Inbetweeners 16
Image Source / Getty Images
Would someone who knew you at the beginning of your adolescence recognize you from a description of you at the beginning of your adulthood?
No way. I've come too far for that.
Probably. My appearance hasn't changed much.
No. I'm completely different ... until I open my mouth.
Yeah, but I am bigger.
Inbetweeners 17
moodboard / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Were you particularly affected as a teenager?
No, I kept it real.
Yes. I was a goth. Tell no one.
Not deliberately, but I did let my mother dress me.
No. Couldn't afford to be, could I?
Inbetweeners 18
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of your teenage worries just worked itself out, just like everyone told you it would?
My romantic connections
Filling out, physically
Becoming less socially inept
I got away from my parents.


Inbetweeners 19
Steve Coleman / OJO Images / Getty Images
How successful were you in romance, as a teen?
Oh, I pulled all the birds. Three or four a day.
I had a partner, sure. That's normal.
Totally unsuccessful, but not for lack of trying
Totally. Are you questioning me?
Inbetweeners 20
Jupiterimages / Stockbyte / Getty Images
How do your finances constrain your life?
Well, I can't afford to drive my Aston Martin every day, so I have my little third hand hatchback.
I have to draw my dating pool from the PTA.
I can't afford to go to a school with decent humans in it.
It means I have to take money from certain students with whom I go to school.
Inbetweeners 21
Paper Boat Creative / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you feel about your home town?
Boring! I'd much rather live someplace cool, like Berlin.
It's fine. I don't live there anymore.
Which one? Technically, I've got a few.
It's great. Do you have a problem, with it?


Inbetweeners 22
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
How would you handle showing up to a fancy dress party in full costume, only to discover it wasn't fancy dress, and you look like a fool?
I'd switch to normal clothes as quickly as possible.
I'd demand my host act like a civilized person, and then make them pay.
I'd pretend as though I knew all along that it was not to be a fancy dress party, and that I am merely a bon vivant who likes to dress as an animal sometimes.
I'd try to steal someone else's clothing, so I could go to the party without having to first go home to change. I'd just take it.
Inbetweeners 23
Jupiterimages / BananaStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
If you owned a really terrible car but needed to impress someone meeting you for dinner, what would you do?
Park around the corner, and insist on walking everywhere because I'm in training for the UFC.
I suppose I'd have to rely on my personality, which should be enough for anyone worth impressing.
I'd ask to borrow a better car or hire a taxi.
I'd wear a muscle shirt. To show off my muscles.
Inbetweeners 24
David Leahy / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of your skills did you think was most impressive, when you were an adolescent?
My charm
My basketball skills
I thought I was amazing at doing impressions.
Intimidating other children. In fairness, it was.


Inbetweeners 25
Siri Stafford / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do you regret about your teenage years?
I wasted time trying too hard.
I regret they took too long.
I regret nothing.
I regret being a bully.
Inbetweeners 26
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Of your teenage friends, how many have you retained in your adulthood?
Ten. Yes, I said that. Ten.
Inbetweeners 27
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
What major change to your appearance has adulthood wrought?
I cut my hair differently.
I filled out.
I grew a beard and butched up.
I look like less of a goon.


Inbetweeners 28
Peter Muller / Photodisc / Getty Images
How do you feel about the place in which you currently live?
It's OK. Nothing to write home about, since it's home.
It's awful, but I own my own home, so there's that.
It's fine, but I prefer to keep traveling.
I don't have any feelings about it.
Inbetweeners 29
Jamie Garbutt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What teenage worry do you still cringe over today?
I worry about my looks.
I worry about death, but more now, since I'm older.
I worry about my career, which I was worrying about as a teen.
I worry that my clothes are out of style.
Inbetweeners 30
Clarissa Leahy / Cultura / Getty Images
How do you feel when your parents enter a social situation in which your peers are present?
Oh God, no! No! Go away!
I'd be amazed since they're both deceased.
I can handle it now. Sort of.
I love my parents. They're great. Some of the time. Social situations are OK.


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