Which Animated Movie Couple Are You and Your Significant Other?

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Animated Movie Couple Are You and Your Significant Other?
Image: Kevin Chang

About This Quiz

What we watch when we're young gets stuck in our minds forever. When we see a princess that gets saved by a handsome prince on a white horse, we assume that some form of that will happen to us at some point, even metaphorically. 

And the movies we saw as children had a significant effect on our love lives. We truly believed that a damsel in distress was the most attractive thing to the men we wanted ... and that men had to be saviors to be worth anything. While there are many ways someone can save you, it doesn't necessarily need to happen at all to be considered a true love story. 

Luckily, over the last decade, there has been a shift in animated movie relationships. Studios have finally seemed to get the idea that a woman doesn't need to be married to be happy, and men don't have to be princes to make women happy. This shift has created some amazingly deep relationships among animated couples because it made them more realistic and more relatable. 

If you don't think that's possible, answer these questions, and we'll tell you which animated movie couple you and your significant other are.

If there is one plate of spaghetti and meatballs in front of you, what are you and your partner doing?
Eating it together at the same time, and sharing the last noodle
Splitting it evenly in half
We both eat as fast as we can to see who can get the most.
One of us will give it to the other.
When did you and your significant other meet?
When we were in high school
When we were in elementary school
In our late 20s
When we were in college
How much schooling have you and your significant other had?
Only one of us went to college.
Both of us went to college.
Neither of us went to college.
One went to college, one didn't finish high school.


Where did you and your significant other meet?
At the park
At the bar
On the street
What would you do if you found out your significant other had a big secret they've been keeping from you?
Yell at them until they explain themselves.
We don't keep secrets.
Do my best to support them.
Never talk to them again.
What would you do if you found out your significant other was in jail?
Try to bust them out
Bail them out
Get a lawyer
Let them rot in there


How many children do you and your significant other want?
More than six
We don't want children.
Just a couple
What do you do on vacation?
Sit by the fire and sleep
Go on an intricate adventure
Visit family
Visit exotic lands
Do you and your significant other dream big?
Not really. We just want to be with each other.
Yes! And we follow those dreams!
No, we like things the way they are.
Yes, but we don't do too much, because of work.


If you and your partner had a million dollars to spend, where would most of it go?
A house
Buying gifts for friends
What does a typical night out look like for you and your significant other?
It's low budget and low-key.
We usually go on adventures.
A night in with Netflix and takeout
Romantic dinner and a movie
What would your significant other do if you were in danger?
Try to get me out
They'd be in danger with me.
Get all their friends to help save me
Ask me if I trust them


How often do you and your significant other socialize?
Not often, we don't like each others' friends.
We usually just do stuff on our own.
We host dinners and parties quite a bit.
We are constantly socializing.
What was your significant other like before they met you?
A troublemaker
Sweet and kind
Rough around the edges
Very poor
How much has your significant other changed since meeting you?
A little bit, but they still have a wild side.
Not much at all
A complete 180
Quite a bit


How long did you know your significant other before getting married?
We aren't married.
Many years
A few weeks
A few months
How often do you and your significant other argue about finances?
All the time
At least once a month
About once a year
Does your significant other ever get wandering eyes?
Yes, but they don't act on it.
Sometimes, but only for movie stars
No, but I do.


Which of these best describes how you and your significant other fight?
We ignore each other until one of us snaps.
We don't fight.
We argue about small things, but let them go.
We break up then get back together.
When you and your significant other don't agree on a big purchase, what ends up happening?
We end up getting it anyway.
We try to find a suitable replacement.
We don't get it then never talk about it.
One of us gets it and the other gets mad.
Which of these best describes your significant other?


What kind of footwear do you and your significant other wear most?
Gym shoes
Hiking boots
High-end shoes
Do you know your significant other's favorite food?
No, we normally don't eat together.
Yes, and I make it for them once a week.
Yes, but we don't eat it often.
No. They always change their favorite food.
Who made the first move?
He did. She was hard to get.
We made the move together.
She did. He was self-conscious.
He did, but she was interested too.


How would you describe your significant other's eating habits?
Kind of messy
How often do you and your significant other go out?
Once or twice a month
Once a week
Only for special occasions
Nearly every day
Who does the most work around the house?
She does. He's a little lazy.
We both work equally.
He does. She is very busy.
She does. He's always working.


When you want to tell your significant other you want to snuggle, what do you do?
Try to snuggle them
Look them in the eye
Dress sexy
Tell them directly
Which of these best describes your love life?
When your significant other is about to go out with friends, what do you do?
Warn them not to mess around
Kiss them goodbye and tell them to have fun
Ask a bunch of questions about who is all going
I don't let them go out with friends.


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