What's Your Learning Style?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What's Your Learning Style?
Image: sanjeri/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Can we guess your learning style? Is it visual, verbal, aural or kinesthetic? This quiz is filled with 30 questions about how you learn various subjects. It doesn't matter if you're a slow or a fast learner, either, since everyone has their own unique style of learning. If we've sparked some curiosity in you, then it's time for you to take this personality quiz. 

There are four main types of learning styles that vary depending on the type of person. Some people learn the best when they are physically working on a task or moving around. This is known as kinesthetic learning. Other people prefer to sit at a desk and look at visual learning tools, such as graphs. This is called visual learning. There's also verbal learning, which is learning through communication, such as a discussion. And finally, there is aural learning, which is a fancy way of saying "learning through hearing." This type of learning involves listening to other people or having background music playing. But enough talk, it's time for us to match you to your learning style!

Do you learn better when you're sitting down or standing up?
Either one works for me.
Sitting down.
I like to stand up to learn.
I learn better when I move around!
What kinds of patterns do you most readily recognize?
Patterns with colors.
Any kind of pattern that involves deductive reasoning.
Numerical patterns.
I'm not very good with patterns.
Which of your five senses is your best one?
My eyesight
My sense of smell or taste
My hearing
My sense of touch


Do you usually prefer talking to or listening to other people?
It depends on my mood.
I prefer to talk more.
I like to listen more.
Either one works for me!
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how well can you multitask?
Below 5
Do you like watching black and white movies?
No, because there is no color!
As long as the story is good, I don't care.
Sure, I don't mind.
I'm not big into movies.


Do you prefer reading or writing?
That's what an audio-reader is for!
I'm not a fan of either.
When you exercise, do you ever listen to audiobooks?
I've never tried it, but I'd be interested.
No, never.
All the time!
Sometimes I do.
Would you be more interested in learning if there were games involved?
Probably not.
I don't really have a preference.
As long as the game is fun, I don't mind.
Of course!


Have you ever taken an acting class?
No, but I'd be interested.
Yes, but it wasn't for me.
No, and I'm not interested.
Yes, and I loved it!
How much do you believe in the following quote: "Practice makes perfect."
I think it's somewhat true.
I don't really believe in that.
It's not true because there is no such thing as perfection.
I believe in it 100%.
What is the best way to learn how to ride a bike?
By seeing someone else ride a bike.
By talking with someone about it.
By hearing about techniques.
By actually riding a bike.


Do you tend to take notes when you're learning about something?
Yes, all the time!
I only take some small notes.
I take mental notes.
No, not really.
Are you afraid of asking questions when you don't understand something?
Sometimes I am.
No, never!
Yes, because I don't want to look stupid.
I'm only afraid of asking questions in front of a large group of people.
How do you prepare for a big test?
I study using my notes.
I procrastinate until the day of the test.
I study with some of my friends.
I get my mind moving with lots of exercise!


If you could describe your intelligence in one word, which of these words would you use?
Do you learn better with music playing?
No, not at all.
As long as the music is kept on low volume, it's fine with me.
I like music with no lyrics for studying.
If you could have the intellectual traits of one of these people, who would you pick?
Bill Gates
Oprah Winfrey
Warren Buffett
Mark Zuckerberg


How well can you work when you're alone?
Very well.
I prefer to work with one or two other people.
As long as I'm with my music, I'm OK!
Not well at all.
Do you try to change your weaknesses?
Of course!
Only the major ones.
I try to, but it's a process.
No, because I don't really care to.
How long would it take you to write a 400-page novel?
About a month.
Less than 1 year.
I don't think I could ever finish a novel like that.


What is your favorite school subject?
Anything with the arts.
When it comes to class participation, how often would you contribute your thoughts and opinions on a subject?
Almost never.
All the time! That's the best part of class!
Only if I had to.
Most of the time I would.
Do you feel upset when you don't understand something?
Only if I spend a lot of time on the task or subject at hand.
Sometimes I do.
No, not really.


Which of the following board games do you excel at?
What are you more of: a follower or a leader?
I can be either one depending on the kind of day I'm having.
I'm somewhere in the middle.
I'm definitely more of a follower.
I'm more of a leader!
Which of these questions do you tend to ask when it comes to problem-solving?


Does a question or answer need to be repeated for you to understand it?
Only if I really don't understand the question or answer.
Most of the time, yes.
Nope, I get it the first time.
Where do your ideas come from?
They come from reading books.
They come from brainstorming.
They come from listening to other people.
They come from being outside and observing nature.
How much do you believe in yourself?
I believe in myself only on good days.
I believe in myself 100%!
I often need compliments from others to feel good about myself.
I lack some confidence, but I persevere anyway!


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