What’s the Hidden Meaning of Your Name?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What’s the Hidden Meaning of Your Name?
Image: Jonathan Knowles / Stone / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Without you knowing it, your name has meant something all along. It has a hidden meaning that has been a driving force in your life. During this quiz, the way you answer a series of questions about names will allow us to reveal what your name has been hiding. 

You can look up your name's traditional meaning, but we're talking about something completely different here. We're talking about the kind of meaning that cannot be associated with anyone but you — well, maybe that one person out of six million that has the exact same name. Still, the hidden meaning of your name is deeper than the meaning of your first name alone. It's the meaning of all your names together. 

Throughout the questions, we are going to do a little prying about your name. We're also going to ask you to tell us your feelings about other names, including those wacky names that celebrities give their children. Once you've finished the quiz, the hidden meaning of your name will be clear. Then we'll share your results!

You won't need to tell us your name. In fact, that would take away all the fun. Instead, answer these all-about-names questions, and learn what your name is trying to tell you. What is it trying to say?

1 ordering takeout
South_agency / E+ / Getty Images
When you order takeout, do you have to spell your name out?
I usually use an easier name to spell.
I tend to use my first name.
I always have to spell it for them.
They usually get it right.
2 adopting a puppy
lisegagne / E+ / Getty Images
If you adopted a female puppy, what would you consider naming her?
3 new name
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of these first names would you consider adopting as your own?


4 same name
35007 / E+ / Getty Image
Do you know a lot of other people who have the same name you have?
I know a lot of people with the same first name.
My name is too unique for anyone else to have it.
There's a couple of me out there.
I don't know them, but I've looked them up on Google.
5 name traits
Hello World / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Out of these traits, which one does your name embody?
6 intelligent surname
artpartner-images / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Which one of these last names do you think sounds most intelligent?


7 born with right name
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you feel like you were born with the right name?
I wish it were something else.
My name is perfect for me.
I don't mind it, but other names are cooler.
I don't feel like my name is wrong, but another name might suit me more.
8 pet python
urbazon / E+ / Getty Images
Which name would you choose to give a pet python?
9 why your name
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you have any idea why you were given the name you have?
My parents liked it, I guess.
It's an old family name.
A family member named me.
I should ask my family about it sometime.


10 remembering names
andresr / E+ / Getty Images
When you first meet people, do you easily remember their names?
I'm terrible with names!
I usually remember them.
It takes meeting them a few times.
I am fairly good at remembering them.
11 pen name
Alicia Llop / Moment / Getty Images
If you wrote a book about your life, would you use a pen name?
I would use the name I was given at birth.
I like the idea of having an alias.
I think a movie about my life would be more interesting.
I would rather write a book about cats.
12 pet names
Willie B. Thomas / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you are in a relationship, which of these names do you call your sweetheart?
Their name


13 wrong name
John Rensten / The Image Bank / Getty Images
If someone kept calling you by the wrong name, would you correct them?
Yes! It would drive me insane.
They can call me what they want. It's kind of amusing.
I might say something the first few times.
It depends on the name they are calling me.
14 classroom
Compassionate Eye Foundation/Robert Daly/OJO Images / Stone / Getty Images
In school, you were probably seated alphabetically. Did you sit near the front or the back of the class?
I was always in the middle.
I sat in the back.
I remember always being close to the front.
I had to sit at the front because I was always in trouble.
15 nicknames
We Are / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of these nicknames would match your personality?


16 name association
Eternity in an Instant / Stone / Getty Images
What do you most want people to associate your name with?
17 celebrity child names
Mordolff / E+ / Getty Images
Some celebrities choose interesting names for their children. Which one do you like most?
Blue Ivy
18 undercover name
moodboard / moodboard / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
If you had to go undercover, which name would you want to use?
John Doe
Janie McBride
Bart O'Simpson
Lauren McDonald


19 signature
jayk7 / Moment / Getty Images
When you write your name, how would you describe your signature?
I have a doctor's signature.
I can read it. That's all that matters.
It's a little flowery.
My handwriting is neat and tidy.
20 buying cereal
Hispanolistic / E+ / Getty Images
Do you always buy brand name cereal, or will the off-brand do?
There are no substitutions.
I buy a few of the off-brands.
I only buy the off-brands.
It depends on how much money I have.
21 lights
Hal Bergman Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Would you like to see your name in lights someday?
I'm too humble for that.
That's the goal!
I mean, I wouldn't say no.
Who wouldn't want to see their name in lights?


22 smart name
Oliver Rossi / Stone / Getty Images
Do you think your name makes you sound as smart as you are?
It makes me sound smarter than I am.
I think it's just right.
I wish it were something smarter sounding.
My last name sounds smarter than my first.
23 vowels in name
Roos Koole / Moment / Getty Images
Does your name have more than four vowels in it?
It has less.
It has a lot more than four.
It has four! How did you know?
Does a Y count as a vowel?
24 middle name
Jeffrey Coolidge / Stone / Getty Images
Be honest! How do you really feel about your middle name?
I hate it!
It's meaningful.
I like my middle name.
I use it as my first name.


25 rugrats
Which one of the Rugrats has the best name?
Angelica Pickles
Lillian DeVille
Chuckie Finster
Susie Carmichael
26 namedropping
Patrik Giardino / Stone / Getty Images
How do you feel when someone practices name-dropping?
It's tacky!
It's OK in some situations.
I like it when people drop my name.
It's the way you get ahead.
27 getting married
Sara Monika / Cultura / Getty Images
If you were to get married, would you keep your last name?
I would take my spouse's name.
I might use a hyphen.
I would totally keep my name.
It depends on what the other name sounds like.


28 baby names
GoodLifeStudio / E+ / Getty Images
What is the worst possible name someone could give a child?
Seymour Butts
29 dating
Tim Robberts / Stone / Getty Images
Could you ever date someone with the same name as your ex?
No way!
I'm sure they are totally different people.
I would come up with a nickname for the new date.
It might creep me out at first.
30 gift exchange
nullplus / E+ / Getty Images
How would you handle drawing a name you don't like for a gift exchange?
I would buy the gift anyway.
I'm sure I would put it back and get another.
Someone will trade with me.
Good! No gift for that person.


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