What Kind of Driver Are You?

By: Mark Lichtenstein
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Kind of Driver Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Everyone who has taken the wheel has noticed that there are different types of drivers, each with their own personality. Rarely, however, do we consider what sort of drivers we are. Which kind are you?
What do you do before you get into your car?
A four point inspection
I check my hair in the side mirror
I make sure the tire treads are still good
I think about where I'm going
What is the first thing you do when you sit in your car?
I check the positions of my mirrors and my seat
I make sure I've got my destination in my GPS
I key the ignition
I think about what I'll do when I finish my drive
You've keyed the ignition. What next?
Keeping my foot on the brake, I release the hand brake
I check my mirror and pull out
I gun the throttle
I turn on the radio


Do you wear your seatbelt?
Of course I do!
Sometimes I do
I don't because it restricts my movement
I forgot...do I?
Do you insist others wear their seatbelts?
If I'm driving, I sure do
If they are passengers, yes
I don't really care
What do you listen to on your car's sound system?
Radio with traffic updates
Talk radio
Heavy metal


Do you ever sing as you drive?
All the time
I'm concentrating too much on driving to sing
Yeah, if my song is playing
Do you ever "dance" as you drive?
God no
Plenty! It's good for circulation.
I let my car do the dancing
Do you talk on the phone much as you drive?
No, but when I do, I use the car's bluetooth
I can because I have a smartphone for directions, and a burner for calls
I'm concentrating too much on speed to do that
I talk to the people I'm going to meet


Can you parallel park?
I can power slide into a parking space
What does that even mean?
Do you ever make three point turns?
Yes, but only when it is safe
I just hang a U turn and jump the curb a bit
I do a handbrake turn
What is that?
When you reverse your vehicle, what do you do?
I lean around my seat to watch out the back
I use my mirrors
I use my backup camera
I use the force


On a two lane highway in America, what is the left lane for?
Driving slowly
Driving fast
What is the safe distance between you and the driver in front of you on the highway when you are both going 60 mph?
120 to 140 feet
10 feet
One car length
I'm no good at estimating distances
Do you ever think about other drivers' blind spots?
All the time
I can see them and that's fine
All other drivers are behind me
What's a blind spot?


Is cutting someone off okay?
Only in order to get through a crowded highway faster
People should be allowed to speak their minds
Is brake checking someone okay?
I check my brakes all the time
Yeah, if it's a white van man
What's brake checking?
You've been boxed in on four sides by SUVs on the highway. What do you do to escape?
Hazard signal, flash brights, and slow down
Tailgate and flash brights while honking my horn
Honk my horn, tailgate, shift into a lower gear and let my engine roar


Your car starts to skid. What do you do?
Turn into the skid
Try to crash into someone else
Apply power
Apply the brakes
What do you do when changing lanes?
Signal, check my mirrors, and check my blind spot
Steer into another lane, duh
Signal, check my mirror, and accelerate
Signal and change
After overtaking a vehicle on the highway, what do you do?
Change back into the right lane
Pat myself on the back
Overtake another car for the rush
Call my spouse


In what state are right turns on red lights illegal?
New York, North Carolina and California, if a red arrow is displayed
New York City
State of emergency
What direction does a British traffic circle go in?
A circle
I'll just follow the other cars
Won't there just be a light?
How many kilometers to a mile?


What is the difference between drifting and a power slide?
Accident and stupidity
Beats me
Thinking you're cool, and actually being cool
I drift off to sleep every night, but I never power slide to sleep
What is your dream car?
A Volvo
A Sprinter
A Camaro
One that drives itself
Do you enjoy driving?
Sure, sometimes
I crave it
I hate it


How do you feel about other drivers, as people?
A lot of them are idiots who are a danger to everyone
Other drivers are people?
They're a bunch of slowpokes who anger me
I don't think much about them
Are you a responsible driver when you have a family member in the car?
I'm always responsible
I'm responsible for getting everyone where they are going as quickly as possible
I guess... maybe?
When you reach your destination and park, do you use the parking brake?
Of course I do. What do you take me for?
Who needs a parking brake when you can just lean your car against someone else's car?
Putting the transmission in park is enough.
Is that what that thing is?


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