What Gemstone Matches Your Flair?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Gemstone Matches Your Flair?
Image: Image by Catherine MacBride / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

You have style and flair like no one else! You can be as hard as a diamond or as bright as a citrine, but your flair is something that belongs solely to you. After you answer our questions about your favorite gemstones and your sparkling personality, we'll be able to match you with the perfect gemstone. 

You don't need to be as precious as sapphire to have a lot of flair. Flair can be quiet, ambitious or calming to others. During this quiz, we're hoping our questions will pull out your unique traits. Then, we'll compare them with the characteristics of some of the world's best-loved gems. Are you relaxed like amethyst or as inspiring as a large citrine? Once you finish, we'll do the magic and let you know which gemstone you should never be seen without. 

The gemstone you were given at birth might not be your perfect match. If you think about it, the whole concept is a little one-size-fits-all. You're unique, and your special gemstone should be, too. Answer as honestly as you can and channel your energy as you go through the questions. By the time you're done, we'll have your flair all wrapped up in one of the earth's most beautiful creations!

Luis Veiga / Photodisc / Getty Images
Opal is known to stimulate the ability to express yourself. Do you always say what you think?
You bet!
I do when I'm with my friends or family.
Some things are not worth saying.
If I think it will help, I'll blurt it right out.
Friends Argue
Izusek / E+ / Getty Images
If we asked your best friend, would they describe you as having a flair for drama?
My best friend is the dramatic one.
My best friend would never say that.
I'm sure my best friend would agree that I'm naturally drawn to drama.
I'm not all that dramatic, but there are situations when it's needed.
Green Gemstone
Benedek / E+ / Getty Images
If you were going to carry a green gemstone in your pocket, which one would you choose?


Jasius / Moment / Getty Images
Amethyst is the stress reliever of gemstones. How do you deal with stress?
Naps always work.
I tackle my problems head-on.
Stress will blow over if you let it.
Working out is a good way to relax.
Andrea_Hill / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Do you feel like your birthstone is the prettiest one?
I like another month's birthstone a lot more.
My birthstone is gorgeous.
I'm not sure what my birthstone is.
I like my month's alternative birthstone more than the traditional one.
Rose Quartz
Ron Evans / Photodisc / Getty Images
When you look at a piece of rose quartz, what do you think?
I think it's pretty.
I always confuse rose quartz and those pink salt lamps.
Rose quartz reminds me of love.
It doesn't inspire a lot of thoughts within me.


Full Moon
Wiki Commons by PEAK99
How much of an influence does the full moon have on you?
It makes me crazy!
The new moon has more of an effect.
Some of the larger moons make me moody.
I'm not all that affected by the moon's phases.
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which one of your traits makes you the most fabulous person you know?
My intelligence
My friendliness
My work ethic
My sense of adventure
PaCondryx / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Do you check your horoscope on a daily, yearly or monthly basis?
I never check it.
I check it once a year or so.
I only check it when I need to know something.
It's part of my daily routine.


Fortune Teller
Pidjoe / E+ / Getty Images
If you could look into a crystal ball and see the future, what would you want to know?
Who I'll marry
How my career is going to play out
What my future house will look like
When I'll retire
Energy-Boosting Gems
Ivstiv / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these energy-boosting gems is most appealing to you?
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What kind of heart would your coworkers say that you have?


BamBamImages / E+ / Getty Images
When things get rough, are you hard like a diamond or soft like a pearl?
It depends on the situation.
I'm always as hard as a diamond.
I don't get soft, I get pearly. I'm going to say that from now on.
I tend to tough things out like turquoise.
Gem Mining
Xavier Hoenner Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images
If you spent a day at a gem mining attraction, which gem would you want to unearth?
Portishead1 / E+ / Getty Images
When you are disappointed, do you get pouty or keep a neutral face?
There's no point in pouting. What's done is done.
I have the best pout on the continent.
I don't let myself get disappointed too much.
When I'm disappointed, I get angry!


INDECcraft / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images
Which one of your chakras could use a little gemstone therapy?
Third eye
Gemstone on Desk
Cyndi Monaghan / Moment Open / Getty Images
Which success-bringing gemstone will you put on your desk now that you know about it?
Healing Gems
Brigitte Blättler / Moment / Getty Images
If you needed to practice a little healing, which gemstone would you use to help?
Tiger's eye


People in Room
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do strangers think of you when you walk into a room?
They think that royalty has arrived.
You'll have to ask the group of strangers.
I'm sure they think I'm a little quirky.
They probably think I seem really nice.
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of the four elements do you feel the most connected with?
Emerald Ring
ProArtWork / E+ / Getty Images
You get to rock an expensive emerald ring for an event. Which cut do you want it to be?
Emerald cut


Citrine Gemstone
Ron Evans / Photodisc / Getty Images
Which of these citrine colors would match what you are wearing right now?
Lemon yellow
Malerapaso / E+ / Getty Images
Would you rather wear gemstones or have a special area for your collection?
I wear a lot of gemstone jewelry.
I really don't do either one.
I have a little altar for them.
I think it's important to do both.
Difydave / E+ / Getty Images
You are in need of a little mental clarity. Which gem are you going to use to get it?


Thinking Person
Musketeer / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you tend to go with your gut or to solve problems logically?
I'm always logical.
I tend to make decisions with my gut.
My heart takes the lead most of the time.
Different problems need different approaches.
Blue Kyanite
Ron Evans / Photodisc / Getty Images
How do you feel knowing that blue kyanite is said to bring luck?
Honestly, I don't believe in luck.
I feel like I need to go buy a mountain of it.
Now, I have a new trivia answer.
I've known that for a while.
Thinking Person1
Martin Dimitrov / E+ / Getty Images
What is your ideal way to spend a long weekend?
Road trips are the best way!
I prefer to stay home and finish projects.
Long weekends are for pajamas and naps.
I like to spend them with friends and family.


SunChan / E+ / Getty Images
Which one of these popular gemstones do you think is overrated?
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you the type that would rather meditate or pray?
Both are very soothing.
I prefer to meditate.
Praying gives me peace of mind.
I am not really into either practice.
Happy Person
Yuri_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
What makes you feel proudest of yourself?
I feel good when I help someone.
I'm always proud when I do a good job at work.
It feels good to invest in my future.
I'm proud of myself when I shower and get to work on time.


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