What Frequency Do You Resonate At?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Frequency Do You Resonate At?
Image: Veena Nair/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

A natural frequency is a frequency at which an "elastic" object will naturally oscillate, without the introduction of any outside force, or at least that's how it's defined in physics. A way of demonstrating the idea is with a pendulum. If a pendulum is put into a swinging motion and left alone, it will track according to a certain number of swings per minute, which is the natural frequency of the pendulum. Simple objects and complex systems can have a natural frequency. A wine glass, for example, would also reveal its natural frequency if tapped gently to produce a ringing sound.

Resonance has to do with the interaction of frequencies. A demonstration of this phenomenon is an experiment done with a wine glass and an opera singer. This effect, known as an example of acoustic resonance, involves the singer hitting a note, the pitch of which matches the natural frequency of the wine glass. Since objects are apt to absorb vibrations that match their natural frequency, if the vibrations from the opera singer's note (which are in the air) match that of the glass (which is touching the air), then the glass will absorb those vibrations until the glass cannot absorb any more, and it shatters. The shattering is due to the structural integrity of the glass being unable to store more kinetic energy, like a battery being overcharged and exploding.

Does any of this remind you of your relationships with others? Take this quiz, and we'll identify your natural frequency!

In what area are you up on the latest and hottest things the most?
Not much, to be honest
Business strategy
Mindfulness techniques
Which of the following questions do you find guides your judgement the most?
Is it cool?
It is justified?
Will it give me an advantage?
How will I feel about it?
How often do you go the extra mile at work?
When I see someone who needs help
Every day!
I'll do that when it's absolutely necessary, but no other time.


How much do the opinions of other people shape how you feel about yourself?
A lot! I want to be liked!
I only care about whether or not I can look myself in the mirror at the end of the day.
If I'm not seen as successful, then I may as well be a total loser.
Other people's opinions of me are like strong winds: I can let them blow me around like a leaf or harness them to go where I want to go like a sailboat.
How old is the oldest song you would consider a personal favorite?
I have an oldie I really love, and it has to be at least a year or two old.
About a hundred years old
Seventy or so years old
Thousands of years old
Be honest: How often do you find yourself considering how your actions will affect other people?
Never, but I'm not proud of it.
As often as I can. I'd feel awful otherwise.
Rarely. I have important stuff to do.
I think I do most of the time, but memory is fallible.


If you had to choose between going to a potentially important family function or going to a potentially important business meeting, which would you pick?
Uh, neither. Duh.
I would immediately opt for my family over work.
Work, obviously. My family will thank me when I'm rich.
It's hard to say, but I would hope I would choose family in the heat of the moment.
What's your idea of a relaxing weekend off?
Playing video games with my friends
Doing some good in my community
Getting the jump on my competition at work for Monday
Listening to the sounds of nature
What genre of fiction do you like best?
Urban fantasy, like the Marvel movies
Spy novels
Historical fiction


If you had a choice of ways to help a charity, which of the following would you pursue?
Being a "charity mugger" and getting people to sign up as donors on the street
Getting elbows-deep in a soup kitchen or the like
Donating money and that's it
Volunteering to help the charity raise serious money
When you visit a city while on vacation, how do you plan your visit?
I just find the cheapest room available and see what's around.
I read up on the place and make reservations if I have to.
I pay someone to organize all my visits and make sure I've done all the big stuff so I can brag to my friends about it.
I rent a clean room and then spend most of my time walking around and breathing in the city.
When you experience disappointments in your life, what do you tell yourself to stay motivated?
Round two!
Swings and roundabouts
Nothing is over until we decide it is!
That was meant to happen, as are all my successes.


How do you usually communicate with your peers?
Ephemeral social media
Written letter
The company chat software
By email
How do you like to keep in touch with distant family?
I don't, if I can avoid it.
I do it via the big social-media sites.
I do it via business-oriented social media, in case they know someone I need to know.
I write to them periodically, by mail.
How do you maintain a connection to work while away from the office?
I don't!
I have my phone on me at all times.
They can call, text, email or chat me up online.
I check my email periodically.


How important is it to you that you have time to fully unplug and get off the grid a bit?
Not very important at all
It's fairly important, from time to time.
Totally unimportant
It's the most important thing!
Where do you find a feeling of inner peace?
Among a crowd
Anywhere I can render help
In my office
Alone, in nature
If you could pursue any of these careers and be equally successful at any of them, which would you choose?
E-sports athlete
Coordinating for an NGO
Tech entrepreneur


Of these people, whose approval do you fear losing the most?
My friends
My family
My boss
How do you feel when you are driving a car and you get stuck in completely immobile traffic?
Like it was all done to spite me
Like there must be a lot of other people who feel as I do
Like time is slipping away and I could be doing something useful instead of sitting in traffic!
Like it's the perfect time to meditate a little
Other than your phone, what must you always have with you when you travel in order to feel comfortable?
My tablet, for media
The book I'm reading
My laptop, for work
A pen and paper


What kind of music do you listen to when you want to feel energized?
Top 40
Anything with a message
Anything hard: angry rock, angry hip-hop, angry classical ...
Country music
How would you rather strangers saw you?
I'd like them to see me as being on the cutting edge of what's fashionable.
I'd like them to view me as a person with integrity.
I'd like them to see me as powerful and capable.
I don't mind how they see me, so long as they don't view me as a threat.
Which of these fits best with your personal definition of success?
Land the job I want right out of school and never "work" a day in my life
Let there be no person who can speak ill of me.
I will be a millionaire many times over.
I just want to be content.


What percentage of your friends are different from you in a demographic way, such as age, ethnicity, religion or the like?
How comfortable are you with risk?
I'm not great with it ...
Not at all
I'm comfortable with some risk. One has to be.
We spread time thin, spending about 2.8 months per year at work. If you could spend 2.8 months doing one thing nonstop and not need any more of it for a year, what would it be?
Cleaning (myself and my home)


If your house was burning down, what's the one object you would risk your life to rescue?
A family photo
My marriage certificate
My hard drive!
Nothing. Objects can be replaced, and memories exist in the mind.
What was the last thing you read?
A magazine
A book of philosophy
A self-help book
A novel with a message
If you could own any of these pets, which would it be?
A cat. They're clean, and they don't need to be walked.
A big, friendly dog.
None. I don't have time for pets.
A fish. Their lives are full of fascinating routines.


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