The Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' Quiz

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3 min
The Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' Quiz

About This Quiz

Think you know all there is to know about "The Dark Tower?" Put that knowledge to the test with this quiz.
The "wolves" in "Wolves of Calla" are actually what?
bad humans
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Thankfully, the gunslinger survives their attack and moves on to his next adventure.

Which world is the only one that grants access to the Dark Tower?
the real world
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When it wasn't broken into decaying pieces, it was called Kingdom of All-World.

What noise does the "billy-bumbler" make over and over again?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

And Oy becomes his name, too; he plays many important roles in the story.


How does Roland's lover Susan perish?
shot by marauders
hanged from a tree
burned alive
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sadly, Roland is forced to choose between Susan's life and the Tower.

What is Roland Dechain's weapon of choice?
9mm handgun
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

He is, after all, a gunslinger.

In "Wolves of Calla," our heroes must protect what object in New York City?
one red rose
Empire State Building
a robot
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If this single rose is killed, the Tower falls and the universe will be irreparably damaged.


Which of the books is titled "Wizard and Glass?"
"Dark Tower II"
"Dark Tower IV"
"Dark Tower V"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It was published in 1997.

Susannah finds her mind affected by a character named what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mia is hell-bent on producing a child for the Crimson King, no matter the awful cost.

Which artist illustrated "The Wind Through the Keyhole?"
Dave McKean
Michael Whelan
Jae Lee
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lee had previously brought King's work to life in Marvel Comics.


When did King first begin writing the series?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

And there may yet be another book; King says he may never be done with the series.

What is the name of the language of the gunslingers of In-World?
The Old Speech
Low Speech
High Speech
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Not many people can speak the language due in part to the way civilization is unraveling.

Which character defeats Blaine the Mono in "Wizard and Glass?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Eddie's stupid jokes overload Blaine's inner workings and cause him to short-circuit.


To what concept does the word "ka" refer?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Throughout the series, ka both binds and destroys relationships and characters.

What is the name of Roland's son?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

He is half spider and half human, and he does everything he can to kill Roland.

Why wasn't "The Dark Tower" released in a widespread hardcover version until 1988?
It was too lengthy.
The publisher didn't love it.
King didn't think anyone would want to read it.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

King wasn't sure the fantasy story would resonate with his typical readership.


Tick-Tock Man is linked to which character from "The Stand?"
Trashcan Man
The Kid
The Ran Man
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They both use the phrase, "My life for you" as they follower evil leaders in a twisted universe.

Roland's name was inspired by a poem written by which poet?
Walt Whitman
Robert Browning
T.S. Eliot
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The name of the poem is "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came."

How many magnetic Beams are there in the "Dark Tower" world?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The weakening beams mean the Tower is vulnerable.


About how many pages are there in the eight-book series?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sharpen your speed reading skills; they'll come in handy as you absorb this epic tale.

Which book in the series is the longest?
"Dark Tower IV"
"Dark Tower V"
"Dark Tower VII"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

At 845 pages, it's nearly four times as long as the first "Dark Tower" book.

In the second Dark Tower book, which part of his body does Roland lose during battle?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

He's attacked and nearly killed by lobster-like creatures he calls "lobstrosities."


What is the name of the vampire bar in "Dark Tower VII?"
Scarlet Minx
Dixie Pig
Blood Lounge
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The bar serves human body parts and is the setting for terrible evil.

Roland's character is said to be based on the mannerisms of which famous Hollywood star?
Clint Eastwood
John Wayne
Gary Cooper
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

With their steely toughness, it's easy to see how Roland and Clint are similar.

Which book borrows its title from a T.S. Eliot poem?
"Dark Tower I"
"Dark Tower II"
"Dark Tower III"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Eliot's 1922 poem was called "The Waste Land."


What special trait do the red roses have?
They grow very tall.
They sing.
Their thorns contain lethal poison.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The singing roses are just another fantastical twist in this imaginative tale.

Which character is sometimes referred to as Walter o'Dim?
Jake Chambers
Randall Flagg
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Man in Black is a shifty and complicated character.

"The Drawing of the Three" is the title for which "Dark Tower" book?
"The Dark Tower II"
"The Dark Tower III"
"The Dark Tower IV"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

In this one, Odetta and Eddie must work with Roland against The Pusher.


What is the ultimate goal of the Crimson King?
to kill Roland
to protect The Man in Black
to destroy the Tower
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

That way, he can take advantage of the resulting havoc and control the universe.

Which of the following was the last "Dark Tower" book to be published?
"The Dark Tower"
"The Wind Through the Keyhole"
"Song of Susannah"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It was published in 2012 and may not be the last.

Which of the following is NOT a subtitle of "Dark Tower VII?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The four subtitles were "Reproduction, Revelation, Redemption and Resumption."


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