Tell Us If You’d Press These Buttons and We'll Guess Your Age

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Tell Us If You’d Press These Buttons and We'll Guess Your Age
Image: TommL/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you've ever heard of the game "Would you rather?" then you're the perfect candidate for our "Would you press this button?" game show! But before you take this fun personality quiz, let's discuss what this game is all about!

Imagine a bright red button in front of you. If you press the button, a certain scenario will occur. If you don't press the button, you get to live your same type of lifestyle. But there's a catch: All of these different scenarios have a "good" and a "bad" aspect to them. So basically, you have to ask yourself if the pros outweigh the cons. Here's an example of such a scenario: You get to pursue any job you want ... but you have to do it for free. If this seems worth it to you, then you just might press this button. But if not, then you get to "pass" on this scenario. It's also important to keep in mind that many of these scenarios are irreversible, which means that they become permanent for the rest of your life. With so many different scenarios to choose from, we're curious about what matters to you the most in life. It's time to take our fun quiz so we can guess your correct age now!

You can breathe underwater but you're not allowed to speak for the rest of your life.
Count me in!
Can I at least try to talk?
I'm not really sure about this.
No, thank you.
You can see clearly in the dark, but you're no longer able to hear anything.
I'll press the button.
I'll pass on this.
I'd rather lose a different sense.
Can I at least get hearing aids?
You can time travel into the past ... but you have to permanently stay there.
I don't know about this.
No, thank you!
It depends on the time period.
Sure, why not?


You're allowed to live forever, but you can never see your friends and family again.
I'm game!
Let me think about this more.
Can I still see some friends and family members?
I'll pass on this one.
You can have all the money in the world, but you're not allowed to use any form of technology.
No thanks, I love technology too much.
Can I at least use my smartphone?
I'm not really sure.
I'll press this button.
You'll be perfectly healthy for the rest of your life ... but everyone you love will always be sick.
I'll press this one.
It depends on how sick they get.
Hmm ... maybe ...
I'll pass on this button.


You can transform into any animal you want, but you can never go back to being a human.
I'll press it.
How about mythical creatures?
Can I at least talk to humans?
I won't press this button.
You'll never have to pay rent again ... but you have to live in -30°F weather for the rest of your life.
Can I choose where I want to live?
No way, I hate the cold.
Will my house be heated?
Sure, I don't mind the cold.
You can be a movie star ... but everyone will hate your movies.
I'll press this button.
No thanks, I want everyone to like me.
Will my friends and family like my movies?
Can I choose my movie projects?


You can travel anywhere in the US for free ... but it has to be by car.
I'll take it!
No thanks, I hate road trips.
Does that include food and lodging?
I'll think about this.
You'll be known as the most beautiful person in the world ... but you have to live in the middle of nowhere.
No thanks, I'm a city person.
It depends on the location.
I need to think about this more.
Sounds like a dream come true.
You can have any superpower you want ... but you'll have to pay $500 every time you use it.
Nope, I don't have that kind of money.
It depends on the superpower.
Yes, definitely!
Let me become rich first.


You'll find your perfect soulmate ... but you can only see them once per year.
No thanks, I'll find someone else.
I guess it depends on the person.
Can I talk to them throughout the year?
I'll press the button.
You can meet any celebrity you want ... but you have to meet them in a banana costume.
No way, how embarrassing!
OK, I can do this!
Why a banana costume?
It depends on the celebrity.
You can learn any language you want ... but everyone in the world will only know English.
Will I still remember English?
Sure, that sounds fun!
I'll pass on this.
I'll think about this.


You have the ability to rewind time ... but you won't be able to control when this happens.
I'll still take it!
Hmm ... maybe ...
How far back can I rewind time?
Nope, I don't want to control time.
You'll be the most intelligent person in the world, but you'll never be able to find love.
OK, I'm game!
Can I at least try to find love?
Will everyone know that I'm intelligent?
Nope, I'll take love over intellect.
You'll look like Megan Fox ... but you'll have the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants.
Can I look like a different celebrity?
Can I change my voice back?
Nope, I'll pass on this one.
That sounds like a deal.


You have the ability to fly ... but only during the winter season.
How high up can I fly?
I won't press this button.
Can I spend my winters in Florida?
Sure, I'll press it.
You'll become a legend in any sport you want ... but you won't be paid a dime for it.
No way, I want my money!
Sure, why not?
It depends on the sport.
I don't know, I'm too old for sports.
You'll become an instant millionaire through the lottery ... but you have to work at Burger King for the next 15 years.
OK, I can handle this.
Can I work at a different fast food restaurant?
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Can we make it 5 years?


You have the ability to become invisible ... but you won't be able to see anything once you do.
I'll still take it.
How long does the invisibility last?
Hmm ... I don't know about this.
No thanks, I'll pass.
You'll become the best writer in history, but all of your work will disappear after you die.
I don't know about this.
Will people still remember me after I die?
I won't press this button.
I'll definitely press this button.
Everyone will now know you as a fierce vampire ... who sparkles in the sun!
OK, I'm down!
No way, I hate "Twilight."
Aren't vampires supposed to hate the sun?


You get to become a mermaid/merman for the rest of your life ... but you will always be hunted by sharks.
Nope, that sounds dangerous.
Can I at least try to be friends with the sharks?
But what if I can't swim?
You get to live in the Harry Potter universe ... but only as Voldemort.
OK, I'm game!
Hmm ... maybe ...
Nope, I won't press the button.
What's "Harry Potter?"
Everyone you love will earn $50,000 ... but everyone else will have to owe $25,000.
I'll press the button.
Can everyone else go on a payment plan?
I have to think about this.
No, I'll pass.


You get to live anywhere in the world ... but it has to be a place that your worst enemy chooses.
That's a big "no" from me.
It depends on where they choose.
Sure, what's the worst that could happen?
I don't have any enemies.
You'll be known as the most popular person in the world, but you have to change your name to "Snuffy Bear."
No way, that's so embarrassing.
I'm not so sure about this.
Can I pick a different name?
Sounds like a fair deal.
You can visit any planet you want ... but you'll never be able to return to Earth.
I don't know ... maybe ...
Sounds good to me.
It depends on the planet.
No thanks, I like Earth.


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