Tell Us How Your Day Goes, and We'll Reveal If You Get Enough Sleep or Not

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Tell Us How Your Day Goes, and We'll Reveal If You Get Enough Sleep or Not
Image: Virojt Changyencham/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Everyone seems to have a busy schedule these days. Most people work a regular 9 to 5 job, but others have a more flexible schedule with traveling the world and working remote jobs. But no matter how your typical day is, we all require something significant to keep us alive and functional: sleep.

Unfortunately, many people seem to lack sleep in this world. And we understand because it's hard to consistently go to bed at a regular time, especially with different distractions such as social media, Netflix shows or even hanging out with friends. Now, occasionally skipping a few nights of rest probably won't do you any harm, but it's definitely essential to get a consistent amount of rest every day. That magic number could be eight (which is the standard), or it could be as little as five or six. Other people need nine or 10 hours of sleep, but sleeping too much can also cause some problems (such as feeling groggy throughout the day). So in today's fun lifestyle quiz, we're going to examine what your daily life looks like. Because no matter how productive and/or happy you're feeling, you might be missing out on more sleep than you realize.

1 waking up
Hirurg/E+/Getty Images
What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
Between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
Before 6 a.m.
Between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
After 10 a.m.
2 drink coffee
Tara Moore/Stone/Getty Images
How many cups of coffee do you need in order to feel awake?
Five, but most likely more
Three or four
One or two
3 at work
Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images
So, how's the work life going?
I love my job!
I'll be honest, it sucks.
Oh, it's going.
I like the people, not the job.


4 excercise
Tara Moore/Stone/Getty Images
How much exercise do you get everyday?
I hit the gym almost every day.
Not enough
I like to do daily walks.
I exercise one or two times per week.
5 bus
we Krejci/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What's your typical mode of transportation to work, school or whatever you have going on?
I usually walk or ride my bike.
Uber or bus
6 lunch time
portishead1/E+/Getty Images
It's everyone's favorite time of day — lunchtime! What are you having?
I bring lunch to work.
Fast food
More coffee
Nothing, I'll just starve.


7 stressed
Mango Productions/Stone/Getty Images
What do you do when you're starting to feel super stressed out?
Journal my thoughts
Deal with the pain
Take a nap
8 break time
Betsie Van Der Meer/Stone/Getty Images
What are some things that you do during a break period?
Read a book
Chat with some friends
Catch up on other work
Catch up on sleep
9 goals
JPM/ImageSource/Getty Images
What kind of goals are you currently striving for?
I want to be rich and successful.
I don't know, I'm lost and confused right now.
I want to have a family someday.
I'd love to travel the world.


10 job payment
Photo by Supoj Buranaprapapong/Moment/Getty Images
Are you currently in your career path because it pays well or because you love it?
My job pays well and I love it.
I hate my job and the pay sucks.
My job pays well, but I don't like it.
I like the job, but it doesn't pay well.
11 shower
What time of day is best for a nice hot shower?
I'm more of a bath person.
12 videogames
simonkr/E+/Getty Images
If you had the day off today, what would you do for fun?
Clean my house
I'd probably go out shopping.
Watch movies or play video games
Travel somewhere awesome


13 cooking
Tara Moore/Stone/Getty Images
Do you cook your own meals when dinnertime rolls around?
There's no time for that.
I prefer takeout.
I like boxed or packaged meals.
14 trying to sleep
skaman306/Moment/Getty Images
How long does it take you to unwind and go to sleep for the evening?
30 minutes
About 15 minutes
45 minutes
One hour
15 water at the office
David Lees/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What do you reach for when you start to feel sluggish during the day?
Energy bar or other food
More coffee
Nothing helps with this.


16 active business woman
Rapeepong Puttakumwong/Moment/Getty Images
So what's your overall mood like during a typical day?
Happy as a clam
Stressed out
Just kind of "meh."
17 meditation
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
Can you name a productivity exercise that you want to add to your routine?
Managing my time better
Lifting weights
Read and write more
18 watching TV
Hill Street Studios/DigitalVision/Getty Images
On an average day, how many hours do you spend watching TV?
Less than one
Between three and five hours
Between one and three hours
Over five hours


19 relaxing at home
kupicoo/E+/Getty Images
What do you look forward to the most when you come home for the evening?
My significant other
I like a quiet and relaxing environment.
Not working for once
20 recurring dream
yulkapopkova/E+/Getty Images
Do you have any recurring dreams or nightmares that you want to tell us about?
I have pleasant dreams almost every night.
It's mostly nightmares.
Nope, I can't remember my dreams.
I only remember some of my dreams.
21 midnight snack
YinYang/E+/Getty Images
If you woke up feeling hungry in the middle of the night, what would you snack on?
Nothing, I'm too tired to eat.
Anything that has chocolate
24-hour fast food


22 write
Ashley Corbin-Teich/ImageSource/Getty Images
How do you set yourself up for success the night before?
I write down all of my goals.
I don't bother with this stuff.
I decide on what I'm going to wear.
I usually make sure my home is tidy and organized.
23 running late
SrdjanPav/E+/Getty Images
We've all had days where we're running a little late. How do you normally work through this?
I rush out the door as quickly as possible.
Why bother going to work when you can just sleep in more?
I just call in sick.
I tell my boss I'm late, then slowly go to work.
24 couple
svetikd/E+/Getty Images
Can you tell us about your current living situation?
I live with a significant other.
I live with my parents.
I live with a roommate.
I live alone.


25 financial freedoma
PM Images/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What are your thoughts on the idea of "financial freedom?"
Luckily, I have financial freedom.
It seems like a pipe dream.
This is something I'm working towards.
No idea what that means.
26 relatives
Thomas Barwick/Stone/Getty Images
How often do you reach out to your extended relatives or other family members?
At least once a week
Pretty much never
A few times a year
Only for the holidays
27 party
Morsa Images/Stone/Getty Images
Do you ever go out and party on the weekend?
Only if it's a special event
Nah, I'm not much of a social person.
Yes, on a regular basis
Once in a great while


28 work-life balance
Jetta Productions Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you feel like you have a pretty good work-life balance?
100% yes
Not really, this is something I want to fix.
Right now, I work a lot more than I want to.
It goes back and forth.
29 social media
Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images
How often are you on social media throughout the day?
A few times a day
I practically live on social media.
More than I probably should be
30 wishing
Erik Von Weber/The Image Bank
What is something that you want to change about your life?
Nothing, my life is perfect.
I wish I had more friends.
I wish I was a happier person.
I wish I could go back and fix things.


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