Should You Get Bangs?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Should You Get Bangs?
Image: _IB_/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Sure, hair might just be some strands of dead protein hanging from your head, but it feels a whole lot more important than that. From bleach jobs to bang trims, a trip to the hairstylist can sometimes even feel like a serious existential conundrum. When you arrive, you're yourself. When you leave, you very well might look like a completely different human—and you miraculously feel like one, too. 

So, if you've ever asked yourself the age-old question, "Should I get bangs?" you might not know where to turn. Your friends say that they'd look amazing, but they have to say that, right? Meanwhile, Vice Media once said that bangs are a "symbol of psychic unrest and spiritual chaos" only suitable for non-adults. Technically, adolescence was the last time you rocked bangs—and when you were a toddler (and they happened to look amazing). Still, one glance at Suki Waterhouse or Solange will prove that Vice journalist dead wrong. You'd at least think that you could rely on a "fashion bible" like Vogue for answers, but the writers are always eternally changing their minds. What are you supposed to do? 

Fortunately, this quiz holds all the hair-related advice you need. Simply answer the following questions, and we will expertly comb through your answers to determine whether you should, or should not, get bangs. Let's see if it's time to surrender your hair to the chopping block! 

Before we talk about bangs, let's talk about your hair right now. Check the mirror. Are you feeling it?
I'm just really bored with it.
I love it! I just feel ready to do something drastic.
It looks ... OK.
I like it well enough.
Have you had bangs before? If so, how did they make you feel?
They made me feel like Beyonce, but with bangs.
Yes, they made me curl up in a ball and cry.
No, I've never had them.
Yes, they made me crazy because they were always in my face.
Did you recently go through a breakup?
Yes, how'd you know? I'm ready to move on now, though.
YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE. We don't talk about that.
It's kind of an on-again, off-again situation ...


Whether your coworker is loudly munching on chips with their mouth wide open or someone keeps texting you every other minute, how annoyed do you tend to get with others?
I don't let stuff like that get to me.
I really, really wish that I had a mute button for people like in that "Black Mirror" episode.
I only get annoyed when people are really annoying. Seems fair, right?
It depends on my mood.
Time to wake up! How many times do you press snooze in the morning?
Not once
Innumerable times
A few times
On an average day, how long do you spend styling your hair (including blowdrying, if applicable)?
Like, almost an hour
Five or ten minutes
Maybe 20 minutes
As long as it takes to put my hair in a ponytail?


What's your hair texture like?
Most face shapes fall into four main categories. Which one do you have?
How emotionally stable do you feel in life right now, on a scale of 1 being the least stable and 4 being the most stable?
Yeah, that's a zero.


Time to slip into something fancy. Do you like getting ready for a big night out?
Yes, it's so much fun.
No thank you. Please, please don't make me change my jeans.
Sometimes, yeah!
I'm more into the actual night out.
Let's take a look inside your bathroom cupboard. How many styling products do you use?
Too many to count
Um, none.
A couple
Maybe five
Speaking of hair products, how close are you and dry shampoo?
We're BFFs. Possibly more.
We're not. I don't use it.
We're like neighbors. We interact a few times a week at least.
We're acquaintances. I like to use it for added texture on occasion.


Which one of these high school yearbook superlatives should you be awarded?
Most likely to end up on Broadway
Most likely to become a professional athlete
Most likely to become a blogger
Most likely to silently take over the world
Products can definitely tame frizz, but let's talk about the hair you were born with. Would you describe your locks as frizzy?
Not at all. It's sleek and shiny and perfect.
Yes. It's like an untamable lion mane as soon as it sees the sun.
A little bit
Not really
Whether you're waiting in line at the grocery store or stuck in fully stopped traffic, how patient are you?
Very. I'm the queen of calm.
So patient that I'll probably start screaming and honking in the first five minutes of stopped traffic.
Somewhat patient
Not very. I like to keep it moving!


Which one of these trendy Instagram sweet treats best represents your true personality?
Matcha-dipped strawberries
Pastel-hued fruit and yogurt bowl parfaits
Charcoal ice cream cones
How often do you head to the hairdresser?
About every two or three weeks. I have to keep my color fresh.
I usually have my friend cut my hair once a year. She may or may not use dog clippers to get the job done ...
Maybe every other month
Every three or four months
Time to peruse red carpet photos for the best looks. Which of these celebs will you turn to for style inspiration?
Emilia Clarke
Chloë Sevigny


Speaking of style, how bold would you say your sartorial choices are?
I'm like RIhanna in the 2015 Met Gala in the yellow Guo Pei gown when I walk into work. That, or Katy Perry dressed as a burger.
My style is the opposite of bold.
Some days I go bold; some days I prefer to blend in.
I'm somewhere in the middle.
Are you a fan of Bella Hadid's brief stint with bangs?
Yes, they look amazing!
I love her look more without them.
She looks good either way.
I prefer the side bangs she unveiled in 2017.
Whether you're starting a new job or going sky diving, how open are you to new experiences?
Bring it on, whatever it is.
They make me pretty nervous. I despise change.
I would say I'm average in this area.
I'm pretty open.


Whether you hit the gym, ride your bike around the city or practice tae kwon do, how much of an active lifestyle do you lead?
Well, I walk from my couch to my car most days, if that counts.
The question is, when am I not at the gym?
I'm moderately active.
I'm minimally active.
Do you think you're prepared to carry a comb around in your purse at all times and frequently head to the restroom for touchups?
Huh? Of course, I already do.
What purse? No.
Umm, maybe?
Sounds hard
Would you describe yourself as someone who lives with regret?
Nope, you live and learn. I always move on quickly.
I have a list of my life's regrets, which begins at age 3.
I try not to hang onto the past, but sometimes I do regret stuff.
Not really


Since your bangs will lay across your forehead all day, they may impact your skin. So, which general skin type do you have?
Combination skin
Normal skin
No one wants bangs glued to their forehead on a hot summer day. Unfortunately, sweat production might play a role in whether you'll love or loathe your bangs. How much do you tend to sweat?
Not much
Quite a bit, since I'm always on the move.
Maybe above average
Probably average
Which one of these internet acronyms do you relate to most?
YOLO (You Only Live Once)
NS4L (Not Safe For Life)
2F4U (Too Fast For You)
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)


Let's get serious. Are you willing to die for ~fashun~?
Sure! Sign me up for this noble sacrifice.
Die? What? No.
Umm, maybe.
I'll have to think about it and get back to you ...
How do you feel about your bangs obscuring your eyebrows?
Sure, why not?
Nooo, not my eyebrows. They're perfect.
I'd have to see how it looks first.
Doesn't sound ideal. Can't I just keep them shorter?
What about when they grow over your eyes and you can't see?
Yeah! That's totally fine! I don't need to see where I'm going, anyway.
What? No!
Yeah, I think I'll head to the hairdresser before that happens.
Again, that sounds less than ideal.


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