Right or Left: What Part Of Your Brain Tells You What To Do?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Right or Left: What Part Of Your Brain Tells You What To Do?
Image: PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Most of us know the theory of left brain vs. right brain, in other words, that one side of our brain is more dominant than the other. If you are left-brained then you are analytical and methodical, and if you're right-brained you tend to be creative and artistic. So if you're a CEO of a business, you're probably left-brained, and if you're making a living as an artist then you're right-brained. Some of the things that left-brained people are known for are being logical and doing things in an orderly fashion, while people who are right-brained are thought of as those who daydream, use their imagination and their intuition. If you spend a lot of time thinking about your retirement plan even when you're in your 20s you're totally left-brained, and if you're happy in your 20s that you have enough money to pay the rent and go out and get hammered on Saturday night, then you're right-brained.

What about you? Does your left brain tell you what to do and make sure that you make all the right decisions and stay on the straight and narrow? Or is it your right brain that rules you, making sure you have a good time and stay true to yourself? Or maybe you're somewhere in between? Take this quiz to find out.

School Subject
Pixabay via Pexels
What is your favorite subject?
remembering name
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
How good are you at remembering people's names?
I never forget a name.
I am pretty good.
Not that great.
I am awful at names, but great with faces.
coffee meeting
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
You're meeting someone for coffee at 9 a.m. When do you show up?


skimming book
Eva-Katalin/E+/Getty Images
Do you ever skim through parts of books that bore you?
I never skim through books.
I try not to.
I have been known to do that.
Sure. All the time.
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
How often do you daydream?
I rarely do that.
Not often.
Pretty often.
I am doing it right now.
shapecharge/E+/Getty Images
Are you easily distracted?
No, I stay on point.
I try not to be.
That has been known to happen.
Can you repeat that?


Norway Productions and Desilu Productions
Who would you be on Star Trek?
Mr. Spock
Dr. McCoy
Captain Kirk
VisualCommunications/E+/Getty Images
Do you like taking risks?
No, they terrify me.
I try to avoid them.
I have been known to do that.
I live for that.
music work
Georgijevic/E+/Getty Images
Do you like music to be playing when you work?
I can't stand that.
I would rather not have music on.
Sure, it is helpful.
I need to have music on.


valentinrussanov/E+/Getty Images
Do you worry about what other people think of you?
Doesn't everyone?
I try not to.
Maybe a little bit.
I could care less.
Cecilie_Arcurs/E+/Getty Images
What job sounds best for you?
Business analyst
like cleaning
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Do you like to clean?
Sure, it feels good.
No, but I do it because I have to.
I don't like it much.
I can't stand it.


Neat room
Pixabay via Pexels
Does everything have to be in its place at home?
Yes, or I could freak out.
Well, that would be nice.
No, I don't care much about that.
Things don't even have a place at my house.
how learn
Geber86/E+/Getty Images
How do you learn best?
By listening to something out loud.
By listening to something out loud and also reading a bit.
By reading and listening to something out loud.
By reading.
To do list
Breakingpic via Pexels
Do you have a to-do list?
Of course. Doesn't everyone?
Yes, but I don't always check it.
I try to do things like that.
Are you kidding?


Car Directions
Pixabay via Pexels
Are you good at giving people directions?
I would say so.
I think I am.
Not so much.
No, I can barely follow them myself.
Lots of Money
Pixabay via Pexels
What sounds best?
To have a million dollars and have to work really hard.
To have $100,000 and work kind of hard.
To have $20,000 and not have to work hard at all.
To have just enough to live on and have total freedom.
[ gilaxia] / [E+] / Getty Images
What do you pay most attention to during a movie?
The plot
The special effects
The acting
The cinematography


PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What is most impressive to you in a significant other?
How hard they work.
How dependable they are.
Their looks
Their heart
Magda Ehlers via Pexels
Do you like puzzles?
Yes, I can do puzzles for hours.
I enjoy them.
Not much
They do nothing for me.
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Do you enjoy art museums?
Not particularly
I get bored pretty quickly.
Sure, I enjoy them.
I love them.


What type of novel sounds fun to read?
Science fiction
Star Wars Scene
What movie sounds good?
"Wall Street"
"The Departed"
"Blade Runner"
"Star Wars"
Nice bedroom
Pixabay via Pexels
How neat is your bedroom?
Extremely neat
Pretty neat
Kind of messy
It is totally trashed.


Pixabay via Pexels
What would you most like to learn?
Sales techniques
A new language
How to paint
A new meditation technique
friends describe
wundervisuals/E+/Getty Images
How would your friends describe you?
Wendy Wei via Pexels
When was the last time you spent all night partying?
I have never done that.
Years ago
A year ag
Within the last few months


praetorianphoto/E+/Getty Images
Would you be sad if you never found a life partner?
That would be devastating.
I probably would be.
I hope not.
Of course not, I am OK no matter what.
New day
[PeopleImages] / [E+] / Getty Images
When do you get up on the weekends?
6 a.m.
8 a.m.
10 a.m.
Job Quit Work
Would you quit a well-paying job if you hated it, with no other job lined up?
I could never do that.
That would be hard.
Only if I really hated it.


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