Quiz: The last days of Pompeii

By: Isadora Teich
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Quiz: The last days of Pompeii
Image: tmdb

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Pompeii is one of the world's marvels, but how much do you know about this ancient city? Take our HowStuffWorks quiz to explore the mysteries of Pompeii.
Where is Pompeii?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The city of Pompeii is in Italy. The modern city of Naples is about 17 miles away.

What is the name of the volcano that erupted and caused disaster in Pompeii?
Mount St. Helens
Mount Vesuvius
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mount Vesuvius is located on the Gulf of Naples, in Italy. Its eruption is what doomed Pompeii.

Which other city was destroyed along with Pompeii?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Herculaneum is the smaller, lesser-known neighbor of Pompeii, only a few miles away. It was destroyed in the same eruption and is also very well preserved.


Which festival coincidentally took place the day before the eruption?
The festival of the Roman god of fire and volcanoes
The festival of the Roman god of love
The festival of the roman god of farming
The festival of the roman god of wealth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius began one day after Vulcanalia. During this festival, ancient Romans would pay homage to the fire god Vulcan by lighting fires and sacrificing animals.

Is Mount Vesuvius still an active volcano?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mount Vesuvius is still active. It last erupted in 1944.

Were there brothels in Pompeii?
There were no brothels
No one is sure
Several have been found
Prostitution was illegal in Pompeii
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Several ancient brothels have been discovered in Pompeii. One of the most famous of these is called the Lupanare, which had ten rooms decorated with erotic art.


Was religion an important part of daily life in Pompeii?
Only on holidays
Pompeiians were atheists
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Religion was an important part of daily life in Pompeii. Temples and idols dedicated to various gods, cults and belief systems have been found in the city.

When did the famous eruption that destroyed Pompeii occur?
100 AD
79 AD
50 AD
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Mount Vesuvius has erupted numerous times throughout history. The eruption that destroyed Pompeii occurred on August 24th, 79 AD.

What are the main classifications of volcanoes?
Active, dormant and extinct
Composite and sedimentary
Active, extinct and composite
Conical and irregular
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The three classifications are active, dormant and extinct. Mount Vesuvius is classified as an active volcano. Evacuation plans are in place, in preparation for the next eruption.


How many people died in the city of Pompeii when it was destroyed?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pompeii was a bustling city at the time, but still small by modern standards. It is estimated that 2,000 people died when it was destroyed.

What was Pompeii mostly known for at its peak?
Government headquarters
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pompeii was a popular resort spot for Rome's wealthiest citizens. Elaborate summer homes and tourist shops have been excavated there.

Did ancient locals know that Mount Vesuvius was a volcano?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Those in ancient Pompeii had no idea. Prior to 79 AD, the volcano hadn't erupted in about 1,800 years.


Pompeii is so well preserved because of...
Volcanic ash
It was forgotten
Ancient building techniques
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The volcanic eruption led to Pompeii being covered in ash quickly. This preserved perfect snapshots of life in the city.

What "adult materials" were found in abundance in Pompeii?
Sexual poetry
Erotic art
Rude Grafitti
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Erotic artwork was popular amongst the elites of Ancient Rome. In 1819, when King Francis I of Naples visited the Pompeii exhibition, he was so shocked by the sexual art from the city that he had it locked away.

What other disaster frequently struck Pompeii?
Acid Rain
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Earthquakes were common in Pompeii, due to seismic activity beneath the Earth's surface. This is why no one took note or fled when the ground started to shake on the morning of the eruption.


How did most of the people in Pompeii bathe?
Running water in their homes
Bath houses
The sea
A nearby lake
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While a few Pompeii homes had running water, most did not. Public thermal baths were not only where people washed, but where many relaxed, exercised and conducted business.

Was slavery legal in Pompeii?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Slavery was legal throughout the Roman Empire. Many families in Pompeii had slaves, both for agricultural activities and domestic service.

Who did ancient Pompeiians believe controlled their daily lives?
The government
The gods
Fortune tellers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It was believed that gods had a direct hand in all aspects of life. Pompeiians went to great lengths to celebrate their gods and try to earn their favor.


What business did Pompeii have a lot of -- about one for every 60 residents?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Evidence of about 200 cafes have been found in Pompeii. The poor of Pompeii, who lived in small homes without facilities, ate mostly cafe food.

What kind of diet did most people living in Pompeii eat?
Mostly produce, eggs, cheese, bread and olives
All meat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ancient Pompeiians ate such a healthy diet that they were slightly taller, on average, than modern Neapolitans. They ate an incredibly balanced diet, featuring grains and produce, with some fish, pork and tasty extras.

What kind of building has never been found in Pompeii?
Bath house
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pompeii was a vacation hot spot and a number of different types of buildings have been discovered. However, no evidence of classrooms or an ancient school building has ever been found.


What was the mortality rate for Pompeii's children, up to the age of 10?
Most survived to adulthood
Over half died before the age of 10
The mortality rate for young children is unknown
Most thrived, unless they were sold into slavery
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Illness took its toll on the children of Pompeii. Over half died of sickness or infection by the age of 10.

What kind of entertainment was popular in Pompeii?
Gladiator shows
All of these
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pompeii was a resort town and cultural hub with all sorts of entertainment. It had two theaters and an amphitheater.

Pompeii's walls were covered in:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Historians are not sure how many of Pompeii's citizens could read. The presence of written graffiti might suggest a high literacy rate.


Who mostly visited brothels?
The poor
The rich
Ordinary Pompeiians
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The wealthy in the town could often afford to keep their own concubines. The majority of those visiting Pompeii's brothels were working-class townsfolk.

Which of these was not part of daily life in ancient Pompeii?
Running water
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There was no electricity in Pompeii. Citizens often rose with the sun.

Pompeii became an important trading hub because it was located near:
A port
The Middle East
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Pompeii was located near the biggest port in Italy. Businessmen used it to set up successful business routes and often traded with Greece.


Was wine popular in Pompeii?
Only on special occasions
It was illegal
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wine was popular in Pompeii and often drank and even made in the town. According to a historical source, the wine from Pompeii caused horrible hangovers.

Before the Vesuvius eruption there was no Latin word for:
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Before the famous eruption at Pompeii, there was no Latin word for volcano. It comes from the name of the Roman god of fire, Vulcan.

Mount Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii but also provided what?
Good farmland
Clean Water
Healing water
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Earlier eruptions from Mount Vesuvius created fertile farmland near the city. The volcanic soil was especially good for grapes and olive trees.


How many people lived in Pompeii?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Experts estimate that between 10,000-20,000 people lived in Pompeii at its peak. Many rich Romans had summer homes in the city.

What has preserved the city of Pompeii?
Freezing temperatures
Volcanic ash
Hot lava
Roman law
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ash that rained down on Pompeii played a part in the destruction of the city. It also led to large parts of it being preserved exactly as it was.

What was the Emperor of Rome considered?
A man
A god
A crook
The head of state
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ancient Romans considered their emperors gods for centuries. Pompeii was no different.


How did the people of Pompeii worship their gods in private?
They wore religious jewelry
Through dance
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many homes and businesses in Pompeii had altars or shrines in their homes. These were dedicated to different gods.

What makes Mount Vesuvius so dangerous today?
Its size
The high population near it
It's highly active
People keep falling into it
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Today over 3 million people live in the area near the active volcano. The large metropolitan city of Naples is nearby, and no one knows when Vesuvius will erupt again.

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