The Ultimate Frog Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Frog Quiz
Image: American Images Inc/Stone/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The word frog conjures up different associations in different age groups and cultures, from Kermit or a spell-bound prince to a French delicacy. Take this quiz and relate to these creatures on their own merits.
What is the essential element in the survival of all frogs?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Water is essential to the survival of all species of frogs.

How do frogs begin their lives?
jelly-like eggs
hard-shelled eggs
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They begin as jelly-like eggs needing moisture to develop.

Into what form do the eggs hatch?
baby frogs
aquatic tadpoles
land-based tadpoles
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The eggs hatch into aquatic tadpoles, which breathe through gills.


How do frogs get almost all of their water?
through their gills
by drinking
through their skin
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Almost all their water and some of their oxygen is acquired through their skin.

What happens if a frog's skin dries out?
It will die.
It will become confused and dizzy.
It will become aggressive and attack other creatures.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It can't get enough oxygen or get rid of carbon dioxide and dies.

Where do strawberry poison dart frogs lay their eggs?
in pools of water
on land
don't lay eggs
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They lay them on land, where the males keep them moist with urine.


What happens when the eggs hatch?
Baby frogs emerge.
Just before hatching, the eggs are transferred to pools of water.
Mothers carry them to nearby tiny pools of water.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The mothers carry the tadpoles to tiny pools of water collected between the stem and leaves of plants.

If toads are frogs, are all frogs toads?
no way to tell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Not all frogs are toads.

How long have frogs lived on earth?
200 million years
50 million years
one million years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They've been around for about 200 million years.


What is the smallest frog?
gnome frog at about 10 centimeters
blue-nosed frog at about four centimeters
gold frog at less than a centimeter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The smallest frog is the gold frog at less than a centimeter in length.

How big is the Goliath frog?
10 inches (25 centimeters)
12.5 inches (32 centimeters)
15 inches (38 centimeters)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

They are about 12.5 inches (32 centimeters) long.

Are all frogs green?
all frogs are some shade of green
if it's not green it's a toad
not all
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many are green, but some are orange, yellow, blue or pink.


How is a toad different from a frog?
Toads walk rather than jump.
Toads are multi-colored and not just green.
Toads always live further from water.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Toads have bumpy, drier skins with legs made for walking rather than jumping.

What is the most defining trait of frogs?
their being amphibians
their jumping ability
lack of tail
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Their lack of tails is so defining that their scientific order, Anura, means without tail.

What is special about tailed frogs?
They can jump higher.
They fertilize eggs inside the female's body.
Their tales enable them to climb trees.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Since their tails are in fact reproductive organs, they are the only frogs that can fertilize eggs while they are inside the female's body.


Is there any similarity between a human skeleton and a frog's skeleton?
not really
depends totally on species
limbs are similar
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Their skeletons are similar in some ways especially the limbs.

How do frogs climb trees?
jump from branch to branch
a sticky substance on their feet
long toes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Some use a sticky substance on their feet to help them climb.

What can help a frog jump?
webbed feet
powerful pelvic muscles
a sliding pelvis
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A frog's pelvis can slide up and down its spine, which helps it jump.


Where are a frog's ears located?
behind the eyes
don't have ears
at the sides of the mouth
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Frogs don't have external ears, but an eardrum behind each eye.

Why would a frog need a wide field of view?
can't turn its head
to spot prey better
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A frog can't turn its head, so it has wide bulging eyes on top of its head.

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