Do You Have More Feminine or Masculine Energy?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Do You Have More Feminine or Masculine Energy?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Having feminine or masculine energy doesn't just have to do with what sex you were born with, or even what sex you identify with. It is really about what you put out there emotionally, spiritually and physically, and where it falls on the feminine and masculine scale. There is really no right place to land on a scale such as this; the most important thing is to be who you are, but it still can be really fun to find out where you might stand.

What about you? If your son were to fall down and scrape his arm and cry, would you be more likely to kiss it and make it better and put on a band-aid, or would you tell him to stop being a baby about the whole thing? When you were a kid, were you more likely to play with dolls, or with toy trucks? 

Would you rather win a gold medal as a figure skater or win a Super Bowl as a tight end on the New England Patriots? Do you spend a lot of time getting your hair just right or do you just roll out the door without touching it? Answer some questions, and we will tell you whether your energy is more feminine or masculine.

Do you like chatting a lot with people at work?
Yes, it is one of my favorite parts of the day.
With some people I do.
Maybe when it is break time.
No, I am not there to socialize.
When was the last time you cried?
This month.
This year.
I never cry.
Do you mind it when people change plans at the last minute?
No, I am fine with it.
It doesn't bother me much.
I don't like that.
I can't stand that.


Are you forceful in your opinions?
No, I am pretty mellow.
Only if I really believe in them.
Yes, I am always right.
What would your role be in a wolf pack?
Tending to the cubs.
Scouting up ahead.
I would be the leader.
Your boss just gave you a bad review, how do you handle it?
Freak out that I will be fired.
Seethe silently.
Tell him off and make plans to take his job.


What would you do if your 10-year-old son was sick?
Stay home and take care of him.
Go to work but tell him to call me if he needed me.
Go to work and call him to check in.
Go to work. He can take care of himself.
What do you think of homeless people?
I feel so sad for them.
I feel freaked out by them.
I don't think anything of them, really.
They need to get a job.
What sport would you like to play?
Figure skating


What would you do if you heard a noise in your house at night?
Hide under the covers.
Call the police.
Go down and investigate.
Go back to sleep. Who cares?
What do you have for pets?
A dog and a cat.
How often do you yell?
Not often.
A lot.
All the time.


When was the last physical fight you had?
I have never had one.
Back in school.
Years ago.
Within the last year.
What would you choose to drink?
A frozen strawberry margarita.
A martini.
A shot of whiskey.
Which of these are you mostly likely to do?
Exercise class.
Hike a mountain.
Lift weights.


Do you hunt?
No, I could never to that.
No, but I don't mind people that do.
I haven't done that for years.
Yes, I love to hunt.
How much time do you spend on your hair each day?
An hour.
A half an hour.
10 minutes.
No time at all.
What would be a good job for you?
Social worker
Retail manager
Car salesman
MMA fighter


Do you text your friends a lot?
All day long.
Quite a bit.
Only if it is important.
I pretty much never do that.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
I am awful at it.
I am okay.
I am pretty good.
I am like a vault.
What do you drive?
A compact car.
A motorcycle.
A truck.


Do you stand up for your opinions?
No, life is too short.
Only if I am backed into a corner.
I do often.
I do always.
Heart or head?
Mostly heart.
Mostly head.
All heart.
How many hearts have you broken?
Just a couple.
Quite a few.


What reality show would you watch?
"Keeping Up With the Kardashians"
"Real Housewives of Orange County"
"Jersey Shore"
How polite are you?
Very much so.
I do my best.
I am polite most of the time.
Not that polite.
How much do you swear?
I never swear.
Very rarely.
Only when appropriate.
All the time.


Do you cheat on your significant others?
No way!
No, but I think of it.
I have, but I feel bad about it.
Sure, as much as I can.
What would you be mostly likely to see?
A symphony.
A play
A concert.
A football game.
Are you shy?
Very much so.
Not usually.


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