Can You Ace This Famous Bible Verses Quiz Without Any Hints?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Ace This Famous Bible Verses Quiz Without Any Hints?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Whether you're devoutly religious or a hardcore atheist, it's impossible to deny that the Bible is one of the most influential books in the history of the human species. Thus, whether you read it for pleasure, from the perspective of a scholar of religion or history, or simply as a cultural artifact that isn't personally relevant, it's enormously important to have at least a baseline familiarity with its structure, its content, and the points of view put across within it.

The Bible's two Testaments - Old and New - contain 66 books, with 33 in the Old and 27 in the New. These are broken up into chapters and further assigned into verses. This makes it a great deal easier to remember the book and to reference important quotes and points within it. While different translations naturally vary in some key ways, the numbering of the Bible in this manner has meant that it has survived with remarkable consistency over the centuries of its existence.

How well do you know some of the most-quoted lines in the most-quoted book of all time? Were you paying attention in Sunday school or just marking time until you could go home and play? It's time to find out!

Which Bible verse introduces fish?
Genesis 1:2
Genesis 1:22
Genesis 1:25
Genesis 1:30
Who is praised in Proverbs 11:16?
Kindhearted women
Nice women
Clever women
Fat women
Which "exalts a nation" in Proverbs 14:34?
Cherry trees


What should the Lord give his people in Psalm 29:11?
What shall happen to people who call on the name of the Lord, according to Romans 10:13?
They shall be saved!
They shall be OK.
They shall be hugged.
They shall be disgusted.
In Matthew 11:30, my yoke is easy; what is my burden?


What should you do without ceasing, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17?
When should you trust in God, according to Psalms 56:3?
When you're afraid.
When you're sad.
When you're angry.
When you've eaten too much food.
As well as blessing you, what should the Lord do to you, according to Numbers 6:24?
Keep you
Help you
Save you
Smite you


Where should you set your mind, per Colossians 3:2?
On things above, not things on the earth.
On holy things, not mundane things.
On happy things, not sad things.
On puppies, not kittens.
According to the most famous verse in Luke 6:31, how should you do unto others?
As you would have them do to you.
As they would have you do unto them.
As you would like to do.
As they deserve.
In Psalm 150:6, what should praise the Lord?
Everything that has breath.
All living things.
All animals.


In Genesis 19:26, who is turned into a pillar of salt?
Lot's wife
Everyone in Sodom
Everyone in Gomorrah
In Psalm 119:105, God's word is a lamp to my feet and a what to my path?
A light
A candle
A sun
A frog
In Proverbs 27:17, how does one person sharpen another?
As iron sharpens iron.
As metal sharpens metal.
As swords sharpen swords.
As sponges sharpen sponges.


In Psalm 46:7, what is the God of Jacob?
Our fortress
Our castle
Our house
Our pyramid
In Psalm 62:6, God is described as "my rock, my salvation, and my fortress", how does it conclude?
I shall not be shaken.
I shall not be afraid.
I shall not be dismayed.
I shall not be angry.
According to Isaiah 26:3, why can you keep God in perfect peace?
Because he trusts in you.
Because he loves you.
Because he respects you.
Because He is awesome.


In Matthew 11:28, what will God give to all who labor and are heavy laden?
In Peter 5:7, what should you cast on God?
Your anxieties
Your fears
Your thoughts
Your anger
In Philippians 4:19, what will God supply?
Every need of yours
Most of your needs
Your needs in their fullness
Some needs


In Psalm 120:1, when did the speaker call to the Lord?
In my distress
In my fear
In my anger
In my bath
In Psalm 55:22, who will God never permit to be moved?
The righteous
The just
The brave
The chosen people
In Psalm 16:8, where is God?
At my right hand
All around
Before me
In the clouds


In Jeremiah 29:11, what does God plan for the addressee?
To prosper them
To help them
To save them
To hug them
In John 3:16, why does God give his one and only Son?
Because he so loved the world
Because he so treasured the world
Because he so admired the world
Because he had a spare Son lying around
In Hebrews 11:1, what is faith?
Confidence in what we hope for
Joy in what we hope for
Pleasure in what we hope for
Blindly assuming everything will be OK


Arcording to Romans 3:23, who has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God?
In Ephesians 2:9, who gets to boast?
No one
The righteous
Who speaks in Numbers 22:28?


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