Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Pet Peeves?

By: Erica Garcia
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Pet Peeves?
Image: skynesher / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Every person has a few things that they hate about the world, and a few things they can't stand that other people do. From loud chewing to tardiness, pet peeves are just a part of being human!

The funny thing about pet peeves is what they just might reveal about you and your personality! If it bothers you that the person in front of you is walking a little too slowly, maybe you're the kind of person who values being on time. Hate the way you have to repeat yourself when other people can't hear what you're saying? You're probably someone who values the power of words!

We're going to throw you a few questions, and based on your responses we'll match your reactions to guess your age. While the same things might stress, irritate or annoy many people, the way you react to these situations is unique to you! Pet peeves are bothersome no matter who you are. Whether you're an extrovert who's always ready to defend yourself or an introvert who would rather spend time watching movies on your own, we're all human and are bound to respond to crazy situations differently.

Think we can get your age right? We'll try to match your pet peeves and reactions to guess what age you are. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Does loud chewing bother you?
Kind of, but I don't mind.
I hate it.
Not at all
Your roommate left the light on in the bathroom even though they aren't using it. What's your reaction?
Turn it off yourself.
Vow to yell at them when they get back.
Make sure they'll pay for the electric bill next time.
Call them and make them turn it off themselves.
The driver in front of you is driving 25 mph, and you're already late for work. What do you do?
Angrily change lanes and drive past them
Switch lanes while flipping them off
Honk then switch lanes
Stay in your lane. Everyone gets to where they need to go eventually.


How do you feel about waking up to sunlight through the window?
I hate it.
It's so annoying.
I love sunlight.
I can sleep through anything.
A group of tourists is standing in your way trying to take pictures in the middle of Times Square. How do you react?
Walk angrily around the group.
Offer to take their picture for them so it's over faster.
Roll your eyes at them.
Smile and appreciate the tourists in your city.
You're at the movie theater and the person in the seat next to you won't stop bouncing their knee. What do you do?
Try your best to ignore it.
Switch seats with someone else.
Ask them politely to stop.
Nothing at all


How do you feel about dirty dishes being left in the sink overnight?
It's whatever.
I hate it.
I don't really care.
You're on a bus and the person sitting next to you just sneezed on your arm. What do you do?
Give them a gross look, but say "It's OK," when they apologize.
Tell them to "Cover your mouth!"
Offer them a tissue
Ask them if they have a cold
Do loud sports cars bother you?
No! They're cool!
They're so annoying.
YES. I hate them.
I own a sports car.


What's your reaction when people say they hate your favorite movie?
Bash their favorite movie instead
Tell them they should watch it before criticizing it
Offer to have them over so they can watch it with you.
Say, "Your loss."
You're on your way to a work meeting but the elevator is moving agonizingly slow. What do you do?
Curse, but wait it out anyway.
Take the stairs! You don't have time for this.
Push all the buttons to see if it'll go faster.
Wait for it. You don't have the energy to take the stairs.
How do you feel when someone invades your personal bubble?
I feel compromised.
I feel uncomfortable.
I don't really mind it.
I couldn't care less.


If your roommate left their leftovers on the dinner table, what would you do?
Eat them yourself
Store them in the refrigerator
Threaten to kick them out. This isn't the first time!
Throw them in the trash
Do people who blow bubbles using their chewing gum bother you?
It's gross.
You're shopping for the holidays and have been standing in line at checkout for over 20 minutes. The man in front of you just cut in line. You ...
Tell him you were in line first.
Point out where the back of the line is.
Tell him to get out of your way.
You never go shopping!


You just ordered a drink at Starbucks, and they misspelled your name on the cup again. You ...
Sigh, and take the drink.
Take a photo of the mistake on the cup.
Tell the barista she spelled your name wrong.
Start drinking it.
What's your reaction when your friend changes the radio station while your favorite song is playing?
Change it back
Tell them they have a crappy taste in music
Ask them why they changed it
You love all kinds of music, so it's OK!
How do you feel when people interrupt you in the middle of a conversation?
SO annoyed
I don't really care.


You're trying to catch the bus into the city, but the bus driver has already pulled away from the stop just a few feet in front of you. You ...
Start crying.
Sigh and wait for the next bus.
Curse at the bus driver.
Decide to hitch-hike.
How do you feel when people randomly burst into song?
Weirded out
So annoyed
I kind of think it's funny.
Does not receiving replies to your text messages right away bother you?
YES. It makes me angry.
I hate that!
No, not too much.
I'm pretty patient.


You're at the movie theater in the middle of watching a very dramatic scene when suddenly a phone goes off. You ...
Ignore it.
Tell them to turn off their phone.
Walk out of the theater.
Does snoring bother you?
No, not really
I can't fall asleep if someone is snoring.
YES, I hate it.
Not at all!
How do you feel about loud, crying children in public areas?


What's your reaction when people at the gym loudly slam their weights on the floor right next to you?
Move to another section of the gym
Put in your headphones and try to ignore them
Tell them not to slam the equipment down
You never go to the gym!
How do you feel about paying $5.50 for a cup of coffee?
I'll just take a water.
I'll pay it. I need the caffeine!
I can't afford that.
I hate it.
You're watching a movie with your friend, and they are constantly asking you what's going on in every scene. How do you respond?
Give them an answer every time. Movies are your passion.
Tell them to wait until the end to find out
Tell them to shut up!
Tell them to look it up themselves


Your next-door neighbor is an electric guitarist and they play 24/7. You ...
Tell them you like their music!
Ask them to not play during quiet hours.
Bang on their wall.
Complain to the complex manager about them.
When your boss calls you on your day off, you ...
Ignore them. It's your day off!
Only check the message to see if it's something urgent.
Answer the call, and decide to go in to work that day.
Answer the call, but still refuse to go in to work.
Do you like the sound of sneakers running across a gymnasium floor?
I don't mind! It's part of the game!
It's kind of annoying, but I don't mind.
I absolutely hate it!
What sound?


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