Can We Guess What You're Most Afraid Of?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can We Guess What You're Most Afraid Of?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Everyone is afraid of something! Don't let those blowhards who claim otherwise fool you; everyone one has a fear living inside them somewhere. While your fear of spiders might indeed be a phobia, other folks are afraid of things like cotton balls! Let's dig into your psyche, and we'll take our best guess about the things you fear the most! 

Throughout the quiz, we are going to try to freak you out a little. Please be prepared. To get to the bottom of your biggest fear, we need to know some things about you and the things that frighten you the most. We're not talking about the kind of scared you would be to take a shower in a horror movie. We're talking about the everyday fears that can cripple even the bravest of soldiers. Your responses will help us make our best guess. Once we point it out to you, consider it an opportunity to look your fears in the eye and say, "Not today!"

Whether you are afraid of clowns or the IRS, we're confident we can figure out what makes you want to listen to your fight or flight response. Share your most profound thoughts with us, and you'll be amazed at our ability to see to the heart of you. At least, we'll be able to see what makes you tremble like a scared puppy!

Do you like horror films?
I hate anything that makes me feel scared.
I like them, as long as they're not too intense.
I enjoy them once in a while, as long as they don't have too much gore.
I love horror films. I watch them all the time.
Which category of phobias best fits your biggest fear?
Do you like riding on a Ferris wheel?
No! I would never go on one.
They're okay. I find them to be pretty boring, actually.
They are fun. I love to ride on them.
They freak me out, but I kind of like it.


When was the last time you visited a doctor of any kind?
I went in the last few weeks.
It's been a long time.
I went to the doctors a few times in the last year.
I attended an appointment in the last six months.
Which animal scares you the most?
Human beings.
Which is most likely to happen when you get very scared?
A feeling of being paralyzed.
An inability to speak.
Passing out.


Do you enjoy the outdoors?
I love the outdoors. I'm into hiking and camping and anything else that will get me outside.
I enjoy mild outdoor activities and taking in the scenery.
I like being outside for small amounts of time.
I hate the outdoors.
How do you prefer to travel?
By train.
By airplane.
By car.
By taxi.
How would you feel if you had to give a presentation to a big group?
I'd enjoy it. I love being the center of attention.
I'd be nervous, but I'd get through it.
I'd call in sick that day.
I'd be pretty terrible at it, but I'd muddle through.


Do you get nervous when you go up on one of those elevators where you can clearly see out?
I might get a little queasy, but I kind of like it.
Not at all, I love that kind of elevator.
They are okay, but I'd rather the side wasn't see-through.
I hate all elevators, and those kind are the worst.
Did you go to a haunted house this year?
I went to one. It was okay.
No, I can't stand them.
I haven't been to a haunted house in a while.
I love haunted houses. I went to a bunch of them.
Do you kind of enjoy the thrill of being scared?
Not while it's happening, but it's fun to laugh about after.
I love being scared.
Not really, but the rush afterwards is pretty fun, I guess.
Not at all. I hate it.


Which of the following situations would be more frightening to you?
Being introduced in front of a large audience.
Standing on top of the Empire State Building.
Being called back into the dentist's office.
Being out in the middle of the jungle.
Have you ever made up an excuse to cancel a dentist appointment?
I've been tempted to do that, but I just get it over with.
I do that all the time.
I'm sure that I've done that at least once.
I've never done that.
Do you take any pills or drink excessively when you fly on an airplane?
Yep, I'm totally zonked out on the flight.
I may have a drink or two, but nothing too crazy.
I may take something to relax a little bit.
No, I'll be fine.


Which job sounds the least appealing to you?
Motivational speaker.
Dental assistant.
Window cleaner.
How inconvenient is your biggest fear to your daily life?
It comes up once a year or so.
I have an issue with it a few times a week.
It's pretty rare for my life to be influenced by it.
It comes up every few months or so.
Do you think your biggest fear hurts your job performance?
No, not at all.
I definitely limits my abilities at work.
It only has a very minor effect on my work.
There are definitely moments where it comes up.


How much anxiety do you experience watching others doing a high-wire act?
It's exhilarating. I love to watch those acts.
I can't even watch it.
It definitely freaks me out, but I will watch it out of the corner of one eye.
I experience a fair amount of anxiety, but I kind of enjoy it.
Which sound is more disturbing to you?
A hissing sound from behind me.
A high-pitched drilling sound.
A cavernous echoing sound.
My name announced over a loud speaker.
Do you keep a nightlight on when you sleep?
I might leave a light on once in a while.
No, I never do.
I don't need it, but I definitely prefer it.
Yes, always.


What's your longest relationship?
Less than 1 year.
Over 20 years.
One to five years.
Six to 20 years.
How much time do you spend worrying about dying?
I'm not worried about it at all.
I think about it all the time.
I think about it once in a while.
I hardly ever think about it.
Which way of dying would be the worst for you?
Car accident.
Falling from high up.


Which is the closest to your worst nightmare?
Having the whole world tune into a speech I am about to give.
Being pushed out of a plane without a parachute.
A torture chamber in the Spanish Inquisition.
Being thrown in the snake pit with Indiana Jones.
What is your reaction to seeing a spider's web?
I'm totally freaked out. It sends shudders down my spine.
I grab a paper towel and start looking for the creator of the web.
It doesn't bother me all that much.
I think they are beautiful.
When a nurse draws blood from you, do you have to look away?
It's definitely easier if I do.
Yeah, or there's a good chance that I will pass out.
Not at all. It doesn't bother me in the least.
I guess that might be better, but it's not that big of a deal.


What's the longest you've ever spent alone?
I've spent long stretches of time alone. I actually prefer it that way.
I've probably gone a week without interacting with another person. It was one of the best weeks of my life.
I maybe went a day by myself before. I hate being alone.
I've gone a few days. I definitely prefer being with people, but being alone is fine too.
What's your reaction to seeing a clown?
I'm totally scared to death. Clowns freak me out.
It really depends on the clown. Some clowns are cute and funny, and some clowns are terrifying.
Clowns are fine. I'm probably not going to have much of a reaction.
Clowns are funny. I don't understand why people are afraid of them.
How often do you wash your hands?
I hardly ever wash my hands.
I wash them all the time. I'm definitely OCD about it.
I wash them whenever I use the bathroom.
I always wash my hands before meals.


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