Are You as Polite as You Think You Are?

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You as Polite as You Think You Are?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Manners and politeness have always been very important, but have you ever wondered how polite you are? If you don't know, then you should take this quiz to find out!
How would you describe yourself?
I'd say I'm sweet.
I'd say I'm kind.
I'd say I'm funny.
I'd say I'm feisty.
What is the first thing that you do when you walk into a room?
Greet everyone with a smile.
Say hello.
Ask for the person that I am looking for.
Which of these colors are you most drawn to?


On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest, how helpful are you?
Over ten.
Do you go out of your way to help others?
All the time.
Why would I?
Do you ever hold the door open for people?
Yes, it is the right thing to do.
Only if I am already at the door.
I don't even hold it open for myself.


Do you ever apologize when you make mistakes?
Every single time.
Most times.
Are you a punctual person?
All the time.
Most times.
About half the time.
It's not my fault that I'm always caught in traffic.
Which of these excuses have you used as an excuse for being late?
I try to tell the truth.
My car broke down.
I was caught in traffic.
I had a family emergency.


Have you ever been called rude by anyone?
Only once.
A few times.
Every day of my life.
How often do you interrupt people when they are talking?
I try my best not to.
I've done it a few times because I needed to get my point across.
All the time.
What do you do when someone gets you upset?
I tell them how you feel.
I walk away.
I threaten them.
I curse them.


Has anyone ever told you that you had road rage?
What's road rage?
Only a few people.
What would you do if you found out that your partner was cheating on you?
Ask them why they did it.
I talk to my friends before doing something that will get me in trouble.
I scream at them.
I throw their stuff out of the apartment.
You are served a food that you do not eat at your in-law’s dinner party, what do you do?
I try it only if I'm not allergic
I eat something else.
I give it to the pet dog.
I tell them that I won't eat it.


Your roommate eats your food and refuses to wash the dish, how long does it take you to talk to them about it?
I need to make sure that it is them before making false accusations.
I want to see if they'll replace the food before I say something.
I wait until the next day.
As soon as I notice the habit.
A work colleague wants you to stay a bit late to help them out with something, what do you say?
"Sure, I would love to!"
"I can only spare an hour."
"Do I have to?"
"Hell no!"
When visiting your brother for Christmas break, you notice that he put on quite a few pounds, would you bring it up?
Only if they do.
Yes, but I would do it in private.
No, I don't care.
Of course, I would.


You see your teen sister being chatted up by a guy, what would you do?
Nothing, I'm happy for her.
I'd go over and introduce yourself
I'd give him the stank face
I wait for them to finish, then have a word with him.
Your friend offers to buy you some food, what do you do?
I respectfully decline.
I accept and say thank you.
I refuse it.
What would you do if someone else offered you food, take it, duh!
Your friends begin to shout at each other in public, what do you do?
I pull them aside and talk to them.
I don't know!
I ask one of them to leave.
I sit back and watch the fireworks.


What do you do when the Starbucks barista gets your order wrong?
I drink it, it probably tastes just as good.
I take the drink but don't leave any tip.
I ask her to change it.
I call the manager.
You are running late for your flight and the driver in front of you is going extremely slow, what do you do?
I wait patiently.
I annoyingly shake my head.
I curse under my breath.
I press the horn at them like a crazy person.
Someone is sitting in your seat on the plane, what do you say to that person?
I sit next to them.
I kindly ask them to exchange seats.
I inform the flight attendant.
Excuse me, I paid for those extra legroom seats!


Do you ever text when you’re on a date?
No, never.
I only do it if it is an emergency.
I do it occasionally.
Yes, especially if it is boring.
Have you ever gone through someone's phone without permission?
Yes, once or twice.
I've lost count of how many times I did it.
Someone cut the line in front of you at an amusement park, what do you do?
I let them be.
I ask them why they did it.
I tell them that you were there first.
I cut back in front of them.


What would you do if someone offered you a cigarette?
I politely decline.
I tell them that I don't smoke.
I tell them that they should quit.
I take one.
Would you ever stop to help someone who is having car trouble?
Yes, but only if I know the person.
I would stop for them to use my phone.
I don't really understand cars, so no.
Heck no!
How would you go about firing someone?
I'd tell them that I'm really sorry and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
I have no idea.
I sit them down in an office to deliver the news but get them out as soon as possible.
I'd simply tell them that they're fired!


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