Are You a Natural Healer?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You a Natural Healer?
Image: boonchai wedmakawand / Moment / GettyImages

About This Quiz

While the medical field is full of doctors and nurses who help to heal others in conventional ways, we're going to explore the more "natural" route in this healing quiz. A natural healer is someone who doesn't typically use medicine to help people. Rather, they use various forms of spiritual and energy healing methods that allow someone to connect with their mind, body and soul. Some people may need to take some lessons to learn how to do this, while others are just naturally gifted with some of these methods (and that could be you)!

Contact healing is one of the most popular forms of spiritual healing, as it allows the healer to "transfer" their inner energy to certain parts of someone's face and body (such as their shoulders or forehead). Another method is called absent healing, which involves praying for someone who is in need of help. Sometimes, the natural healer will also chant a specific mantra while utilizing visualization techniques. Other forms of energy healing include pranic healing, reiki healing and polarity therapy. If some of these healing processes sound foreign to you, don't worry, because we're just going to determine if you're a natural healer on the inside! So take our elemental quiz now to find out more about your natural abilities!

"Home" means something different for everyone. What does it mean for you?
Being outside in nature
Being in a spiritual place
My own home
I'm not sure.
Is it difficult for you to express how you feel to others?
No, not at all
Sometimes it is.
It depends on who I'm talking to.
Yes, very much so
Are you sensitive and emotionally intelligent to other people's feelings?
I certainly try to be.
I don't think I am.


Do you feel like it's your duty to help the people of this Earth?
Yes, I feel like I'm meant to do this.
I'm not really sure yet.
No, but I like helping people anyway.
No, I have other plans in life.
How would you describe the dreams that you have at night?
Vivid and real
Whimsical and fun
Dark, almost like a nightmare
I can't remember my dreams.
Which of these gemstones would you use to heal other people?
Black tourmaline


What are you hoping to achieve in your own life?
Good health
Do you secretly have a spiritual connection to various types of animals?
I believe so.
Maybe a little bit.
I'm not 100% sure.
No, that sounds ridiculous.
Are you able to see someone else's past or future?
Yes, I can do both of these.
I can see into someone's future.
I can see into someone's past.
No, I'm not able to do this.


Choose a powerful type of healing spell that may help others!
Healing aura
Healing prayer
Elemental healing
Holy voice
Can you easily detect certain types of patterns in this world?
Yes, I can definitely do this.
I definitely try to!
It depends on the situation.
No, this isn't easy for me.
Who needs a weather app when someone like you can accurately perceive weather changes, right?
You're somewhat right.
I've never tried "sensing" the weather before.


True or false: You find that people tend to share all kinds of secrets with you.
Some people do, others don't.
Is it more fun for you to listen or talk to other people?
I like doing both.
I don't like doing either of these.
Have you always believed that you are a bit different from everyone else?
Yes, I definitely believe this.
I think we're all different in this world.
Maybe, but I'm not really sure.
No, I'm just like everyone else.


Which of these elements of this world do you feel spiritually connected to?
Are you able to easily make someone go from sad to happy in just a few minutes?
That's my specialty!
Yes, but I'll need more than a few minutes.
It depends on the person.
No, I wish I could be like that.
Do you secretly feel misunderstood by the world around you?
Yes, no one can understand my healing powers.
Many people misunderstand me, but I don't care.
Only a few people misunderstand me.
No, people understand me pretty well.


Animals can help to heal people, too! Which of these animals would be your trustworthy healing companion?
On a scale of 1-10, how strong are your natural instincts in this world?
Would you describe your ways of thinking as more micro or macro?
I'm not really sure.


Are there other natural healers in your family or social circle?
Yes, I know many natural healers.
Yes, I know a few.
I only know one other natural healer.
Nope, nobody I know can even help themselves.
Do you find that other people often come to you for advice and guidance?
Yes, all the time
Once in a while
No, not really
True or false: As much as you like helping people, you feel tired or fatigued after being around them too much.
It depends on the group of people.


How important is your physical and mental health to you?
Somewhat important
Very important
Slightly important
Not that important
Would you use the word "open-minded" to describe your personality?
Yes, that's definitely me.
Only around some people
Maybe a little bit
No, I don't think I'm all that open-minded.
Which of these holistic healing career paths would you like to embark on?
Energy healer
Yoga teacher
Massage therapist


Are you able to control the energy that lies within you?
Yes, I have full control over this.
I have some control over this.
I'm still learning how to do this.
I don't think I have any energy in me.
Would you be able to scare the bad spirits away from others?
Yes, I'm very confident that I can do this.
It depends on the type of spirit.
I don't know, but I could try.
I've never tried this before.
Is it important for you to respect Mother Nature and its inhabitants?
Yes, this is very important to me.
For the most part, yes.
Only certain aspects of Mother Nature
No, I could care less about this.


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