Are You a Land, Sea or Sky Animal?

By: Amanda Monell
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Are You a Land, Sea or Sky Animal?
Image: John M Lund Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Have you found Nemo? How about Dory? If you have, we're betting you're a fan of almost everything Disney. And if there's one thing Disney knows how to do is to give human expressions and emotion to animals. In addition to that, they will oftentimes make these critters characters sometimes with their own stories to tell. When these animals are sidekicks like Flounder, Scuttle and Sebastian in "The Little Mermaid," they will often add a little something to the film, mostly a dash of silliness when the story is lacking. When animals are the main characters in a Disney film, it is rather easy to fall in love with their cute little faces and root for them to come out on top. Sure, they may end up causing a few tears to be shed (we're looking at you, "Bambi"), but when it comes down to it, these tales often attract more viewers than those with humans.

So what about you? When you settle in and watch a Disney movie do you identify more with the animals in the film than their human costars? OK, we'll admit it, we do. It's probably because you have the heart of an animal inside. But the question is where does your animal thrive? Go ahead and scroll down to find out.

Checking the thermostat, you see it is a bazillion degrees outside. What drink do you have to cool off?
Sports drink
Which of these mythical creatures do you identify with?
All of these
It's a super blustery day and you've decided to fly a kite. What style of kite would you fly?
A winged box kite
A delta kite
A diamond kite
A sled kite


Ahh! A water fight has started around you! What's your weapon of choice?
A bucket
All of these
Water balloons
A hose
How are your hopscotch skills?
My rock tosses were spot on, but I'd always fall when hopping.
Some days, I had my A game. Others, not so much.
I'd always hop like a champ, but my rock throwing was failsauce.
I always won playing hopscotch.
A carnival has come to your town for the holidays. What game is your favorite?
I'd probably avoid all of them.
Ring toss
Duck race
Milk bottle ball toss


Your school is looking to get some money for a new piece of sports equipment. Which fundraising activity would you participate in?
Bake sale
Car wash
None of these
Candy sales
Being a daredevil means taking risks in the sea, sky or land. Which of these activities wouldn't you mind doing?
Hang gliding
Scuba diving
Mountain climbing
Bungee jumping
If you were to go out with your boo for a dinner and a movie date, what kind of restaurant would you want to visit?
A steakhouse
Any of these sound good
An Italian restaurant
A sushi restaurant


Most pets are land-loving creatures. What animal would you like to have as a companion?
Which Disney sidekick is your favorite?
Rajah from "Aladdin"
Dory from "Finding Nemo"
Scuttle from "The Little Mermaid"
Pegasus from "Hercules"
The Seven Wonders of the World are ... well, wondrous. If you could, what one would you want to visit?
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Colossus of Rhodes


Would your travel companions consider you a good flier?
If it is an uninterrupted flight, yes.
If it is a short flight, yes.
You're stuck in the waiting room at a dentist's office. What do you find yourself doing?
I'm reading a book.
I'm posting about the office on Facebook.
Playing a game on my phone or tablet.
I'm listening to music.
If we were to take a look at your Insta feed, what would we see?
Selfies galore!
I don't have an Instagram account.


What would you do if you missed out on a promotion that you were sure you had?
I'd work harder so I don't miss the next promotion.
I congratulate the person who got the job.
I'd look for another job.
Start returning things that I bought
In the middle of watching one of your favorite sports, you realize that the ref is blind. What do you do?
I'd encourage my team to work harder.
I rally the fans into talking trash to the ref.
I rewatch the instant replay; maybe I missed something.
I would send positive vibes my team's way.
When you go to the grocery store, what aisle do you head toward first?
The cereal aisle
The beverage aisle
The produce aisle
The candy aisle


Grab some change, the ice cream truck is coming! What frozen treat are you going to eat?
Ice cream sandwich
Snow cone
Rocket pop
Would you consider yourself an early bird or a night owl?
I am a late morning person.
I love afternoons.
I love the mornings.
I'm a night owl.
Let's face it, coffee is the nectar of the gods. How do you drink yours?
I like it with sugar.
I like it black.
I like it with frothy milk.
I like it with cream and sugar.


Which of these natural disasters are the most terrifying?
Volcanic eruption
It's the middle of the night and you hear some creepy noises, what do you do?
I go back to sleep.
I make sure my phone is ready.
I listen for other noises to see if I can identify it.
I hide because it is obviously the worst thing ever.
Do you think you have a good singing voice?
It's better than average.
I have a perfect shower singing voice.
I know I have a good singing voice.


Warm up your controllers, you're going to pwn us in a video game? What game would you love to play?
"Birds of Steel"
"Song of the Deep"
"Red Dead Redemption"
One of the Final Fantasy games
You catch your bestie flirting with your bae. What do you do?
I act as though I didn't see it, making a note to discuss with my partner later.
I cause a scene!
I watch to see how my partner reacts.
I leave.
Would you ever run a marathon?
Isn't that what driving a car is for?
I would train for it.
I don't have the time for that.


Oh no! You're trapped on a deserted island. What is the one thing that you're happy to have with you?
My jacket
My lifejacket
My sunglasses
My cell phone
What type of shoe do you find to be the most comfortable?
Flip flops
What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
I use the bathroom.
I get a drink of water.
I check my email.
I make a cup of coffee.


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