What Type of Smart Are You Really?

By: Brian W
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Type of Smart Are You Really?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Intelligence is more than just the ability to do well on a standardized test. It encompasses all sorts of talents and ways of thinking about the world we live in. 

Some people are particularly good with thinking about the world logically; nothing makes them happier than understanding facts in a larger schematic. Others are much more philosophical. They ponder the questions that are nearly impossible to prove or disprove, but nonetheless help humanity see the world a little more clearly. Some people process the world spatially. They are the ones that build our infrastructure, household goods and help us navigate space and other worlds. They can engineer things in their minds. There are also people who tell us about our world. Their intelligence is linguistic in nature. By being the keepers of our stories and histories, they help us communicate with each other across time and space.

Are you curious about what type of "smart" you are? Take this quiz, and we'll tell you exactly where your intelligence shines!

Do you have a great vocabulary?
It's pretty good.
I think so.
Mine is excellent.
I don't.
What sounds like the most fun to you?
Solving a problem
Having a debate
Writing a short story
Working on a puzzle
Are you good with numbers?
Not at all
Only rarely
Only in real-world situations


Are you good at telling jokes?
I am awful at it.
I'm pretty bad.
I'm hysterical!
I have my funny moments.
Are you good at talking to the opposite sex?
I'm not great.
I'm fine.
I'm superb.
I am awful.
What do you think of Dickens?
I don't like him.
He has some good points about society.
He is brilliant.


Do you like to debate things like the existence of God?
No, that is just a waste of time.
I love things like that.
It can be fun.
I never do things like that.
Do you like to design things in your mind?
I do that sometimes.
No, I never do that.
I am awful at that.
It's my favorite thing to do!
Have you ever started a novel?
No, I have no idea what I would write about.
No, but I have thought of writing a book of non-fiction.
Of course I have!
I have tried it, but gave up.


How often do you listen to music?
Once in awhile
A few times a week
All the time
Do you think it is fun when you are tested with a difficult math problem?
Yes, I love that!
Not at all.
No, I actually hate that.
It can be sometimes.
Do you stay up at night sometimes wondering what it all means?
All the time
I don't know what you are talking about.


Can you tell what people are thinking by their facial expression?
How would I know?
Most of the time
Do you like detective shows?
Those are awesome.
Those are so dull.
They can be okay.
Those tend to be terrible.
Do you like giving speeches?
There is nothing worse.
It depends on the scene.
I love that.
I want to die when speaking in public.


Can you tell when someone is cheating on you?
I think so.
I don't worry about things like that.
I don't think so.
I'm sure I couldn't.
How impulsive are you?
Not at all
What do you think about major holidays?
They're a great time to see friends and get presents.
They're ridiculous.
They're fun.
They make me uptight.


Do you believe that we all choose whether we are happy or not?
No, that is ridiculous.
Of course we do.
We can choose up to a point.
We have a little bit of control.
Who would you be in World of Warcraft?
What are you talking about?
A healer
The raid leader
The tank
How important is your job to you?
Not at all
Not very


What movie would you choose to see?
"Good Will Hunting"
"The Matrix"
"Glengarry Glen Ross"
"My Architect"
Do you often spend a lot of time trying to figure out other people's motives?
I never do that.
I do that all the time.
I do that sometimes.
I hardly ever do that.
Would you ever cheat on a test?
No, that would be wrong.
Probably not


Do you ever question why things are the way they are?
No, what would be the point?
I do that all the time.
Sometimes I do.
I rarely do that.
Do you find it easy to talk your way out of something you did wrong?
No, I am awful at that.
Who decides what is wrong?
Yes, I am pretty good at that.
I am not that good at that.
Are you good at reading blueprints?
I'm pretty good at it.
I'm awful at it.
I'm not sure.
I'm great at it.


Are you a nerd?
I don't think so.
Definitely not
How many zen koans do you know off the top of your head?
What is a zen koan?
At least two
How long can you last without talking if you're alone with someone in a car?
An hour
Two minutes
Fifteen minutes
Half an hour


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