Can We Guess What Kind of Guy You're Least Attracted To?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Can We Guess What Kind of Guy You're Least Attracted To?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Attraction is a fickle thing that varies from person to person. We all know what we are "supposed" to be into when it comes to those of us who prefer a man: a tall, wealthy, muscled gentleman who is exactly sensitive enough, but not too sensitive. He's athletic, but not a total gym bunny, he's smart but not too nerdy, he's creative but not impractical, and he's great in bed (usually meaning very experienced) but absolutely monogamous when he meets the right person.

Of course, in real life, it's really not that simple. Attraction is a very singular thing. People like very different things - and we also dislike different things too. One person's great conversationalist is another's crashing bore, just as one person's successful partner is an absentee workaholic who only cares about money, and another's sensitive artist is an impractical loser. What one sees as recklessness, another might see as a delightful spontaneity, while being laid-back can look very much like not caring enough, and being kind can tip over into being somewhat of a doormat.

Then there are the characteristics that pretty much everyone can agree are repulsive: selfishness, cruelty, infidelity, and so on. But which of this disgusts you the very most? Take this quiz and let's find out!

How important is kindness in a guy?
Top three
Top ten
Not very important
Immensely important
Should he make a lot of money?
I would prefer it but it's not that important.
No, that probably means he's a jerk.
Ideally yes.
I don't mind either way.
Do you care if your friends like him?
Yes, I care.
No, they don't know him like I do.
I would rather they respect him.
Yes, if they don't like him it's because he is bad news.


Do you stand up for yourself?
Not as much as I should.
I do, but it doesn't always work.
Yes, some say too much.
No, I need to be handled gently.
What habit would really stress you out in someone who lived with you?
Them never being home
Them being clingy
Them not making the house a safe and calm space for me
Do you work a lot on self-improvement?
I sure do.
Not really
I used but then I realized actually I'm OK and I quite like me.


Are you a dominant sort of person?
Only because no one else takes care of me, so I have to be.
A little
Yes, very
Not at all
Do you notice when people are sad, without them saying?
Yes, always
No, you gotta tell me and then I'll do my best to help.
About half the time
Do you often need a hug?
All the time
Some of the time
No, get off of me, please!
Most of the time


How independent are you?
I can be when I have to be.
About half
Hardly at all
Do you need your fella to be funny?
Yes, but not in a mean way, please.
Goofy is necessary, witty is optional.
God, that'd be great.
I don't care.
Should he value you being funny?
Absolutely, any man who doesn't is obviously insecure.
Yes, he should want to show off to people about how funny his boo is.
I don't mind if he doesn't, I have other qualities.
That'd be nice because then I wouldn't be afraid to make a joke.


Do you like a traditional "man's man" type?
I know I am "supposed" to like that, but it's hell to actually live with.
I used to but I learned that kinder, more balanced men are where it's at.
I love it!
I hate that.
Do you like the idea that he might one day beat someone up for you?
No, I just think about all the repercussions.
No, they might sue us.
I would honestly be really into that.
No, that scares me.
How supportive should he be of your career goals?
I can handle me, he should deal with his own business.
Any level higher than "literally sabotaging them to keep me dependent" would be a nice change.


Would you rather be single than with the wrong guy?
I used to think that way, now I know better.
Depends how wrong and why.
Do you like to be the one who makes most of the decisions?
No, I want to make about half.
I would like to make more than half.
I hate that.
I can't even imagine it but it sounds theoretically cool.
Do you mind having to ask for basic things like keeping shared space clean and tidy?
I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns.
I don't mind asking - but I really do mind asking twice!
I prefer to just do it and not ask.
I would love to feel safe to ask without being judged.


What's a total first date dealbreaker for you?
Being cheap - I don't mind splitting but I do mind if he nickels-and-dimes down to the last cent.
Spending a lot of money on me without even asking and then thinking that entitles him to something.
Not having a plan for the evening.
Being mean to the waiter.
Assuming it had clearly been read more than once, what book on a man's bookshelf would absolutely creep you out?
Anything by one of those guys who doesn't seem to actually like women as people, but nonetheless writes books about getting insecure women to date you by bullying them.
Machiavelli's "The Prince"
Wall to wall romance novels
Anything by Ayn Rand
What job do you think is just a really horrible career choice?
Anything manual that might be automated in the next 15 years, as it shows a lack of foresight.
Finance or politics, because it's all about power and money.
Artist - it's not that art isn't all well and good, it's just not a career.
Vulture capitalist, because it is about destroying more than creating.


What news source is the most annoying one?
If his family was mean to you, what reaction would definitely make you question his decency?
If he laughed along then later told me I was overreacting for not being happy about it.
If he didn't notice then later told me it wasn't important.
If he said nothing and just looked uncomfortable, then later said he thought they were super out of line.
If he joined in then later told me I imagined it.
Other than physical abuse, what is the worst thing a person can do to their partner?
Belittle things that are important to their boo just because they don't personally get why it matters.
Make the partner invisible in their decisions, as if they are the star of the show and their boo is just dancing in the chorus.
Not have their back in a crisis.
Being financially controlling or really jealous.


What is the one thing you should always be able to count on in a partner?
That they will always put you first.
That they will always be considerate of you.
That they will always show up for you.
That they will never purposely hurt you.
What would really embarrass you if your partner did it in public?
A bigoted "joke"
Letting someone steamroll either of us and not speaking up
If they were mean to a waiter or a child.
What minor thing would really drive you up the wall if your partner repeatedly did it after you asked them not to?
If they messed up the house and expected me to tidy it.
If they didn't show up for an event that was important to me or came in very late.
If they enabled me when I wasn't reasonable; you can be nice about it but you gotta tell your boo when they're out of line.
If they talked over me or made jokes at my expense in front of people.


Not that you're shallow, but which part of a man's body absolutely has to be within certain parameters for you to date him?
He has to have nice hands and know what to do with them.
He just has to be tall.
He has to not be hugely overweight.
I literally don't care as long as he is a good person!
Do you want him to brag about you to other people?
Not if it was only about my looks.
Not if it was only in the context of a wider brag session where a bunch of dudes show off about their cars, houses, etc, and I'm just another trophy he's smug about.
Not too much, that might seem like protesting too much.
Not if it meant papering over problems we have.
What about your partner do you want to be able to brag about to everyone?
That they never make it all about them.
That they have the right priorities and values in life.
That they excelled at something they love.
That they treat me really decently and are just a real mensch.


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